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GREEN  LEVEL  CLEARANCE  TEST  –  DIV  66  –  REF  #  2018D2  



  Division 66

Reference:    204812



  June 3 2015


The  Black  Watchmen  seek  to  upgrade  the  clearance  of  an  agent  to  Green  Level.  
We  cannot  upgrade  all  agents  to  Green  Level  clearance.  Therefore,  your  
applications  will  be  reviewed  first  by  a  special  committee,  and  then  by  your  
fellow  agents.  All  relevant  personal  data  will  be  redacted.    
Only  complete  applications  will  be  considered.    
Submit  completed  application  to  dispatch@division-­‐  by  20:00UTC  06/10/15.    

-­‐  Active  member  of  The  Black  Watchmen,  field  experience  required  
-­‐  Adept  with  ranged  and  close  combat  weapons  
-­‐  Qualify  for  Top  Secret  clearance  
-­‐  Qualify  for  Airborne  training  
-­‐  Take  and  pass  the  Formal  Agency  Athletics  Test    
-­‐  Take  and  pass  the  Standard  Agency  Neuropsychology  Exam  
-­‐  Take  and  pass  the  Major  Alchemy  Grand  Exam  
-­‐  Become  a  member  of  the  Preventative  Anti-­‐Interrogation  Network  
-­‐  Having  a  clean  criminal  record  is  not  a  necessity,  but  you  must  not  be  on  a  
Most  Wanted  list  in  your  current  country  of  operations,  or  on  INTERPOL’s  
High  Alert  List  

Page  1  

GREEN  LEVEL  CLEARANCE  TEST  –  DIV  66  –  REF  #  2018D2  

Part  I:  Background    
1. Are  you  currently,  or  have  you  ever  been,  an  enlisted  member  of  a  National  
Military  Organization?  
a. Yes  b.  No  
2. If  No,  skip  to  Part  II  
3. Date  of  enlistment  __/__/__  
4. Age  at  enlistment    ___  
5. Date  of  Discharge    __/__/__  
6. Type  of  Discharge    ________________________  
7. Country    
8. Branch    
9. Rank      
10. Area  of  Operations  ________________________  
11. Co/Trp/Btry      
12. Commanded  by    
13. Confirmed  Kills     ________  
14. How  and  why  did  you  join  the  military?  
15. Did  you  receive  any  special  training?  If  yes,  specify:  
16. Were  you  stationed  overseas?  If  yes,  specify:  

Part  II:  Details  
1. Do  you  possess  any  special  training  outside  the  military?  
Pyrotechnic design, a few weeks of home-made explosives over beers
with an ex-IRA tech. That counts, right? I also managed to sneak into and complete a
Div 42 field tactics course. Though I did cheat on the final by sabotaging the other guy's
radio. And socks. Take that how you will.
2. Have  you  obtained  any  special  education?  
Apart from the aforementioned Div 42 course, I have completed all work-site-safe courses on fire
3. Are  you  a  member  of  any  non-­‐military  secret  groups  (Freemasons,  etc.)?  
I was named an honorary Skull and Bones member by Dana Milbank, but that was at a private
party I crashed, and he was quite drunk at the time. So I doubt the nomination is valid.

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GREEN  LEVEL  CLEARANCE  TEST  –  DIV  66  –  REF  #  2018D2  

Part  III:  Agency  –  General  
1. How  and  why  did  you  enlist  with  the  Agency?  
It largely began with my ill-fated attempt at vigilantism. And the ill-planned move of attacking
an agency squad. After I woke up in an interrogation room, and we figured out what a huge
misunderstanding the whole thing was, I was all for the cause. Apparently catching a squad off
guard while wearing a dark hood and cape was enough to buy you a single chance at an application.
Who knew?
2. What  were  your  experiences  as  a  new  recruit?  How  does  that  affect  your  
relationship  with  new  recruits  today?  
My experiences largely consisted of being better that everyone else. Granted, the other recruits
were smarter, faster, stronger, and more talented then me in every way, but they didn't cheat
anywhere near enough. They just couldn't figure out that an obstacle course with "Full field gear
and conditions" means its perfectly acceptable to bring a sledgehammer and smash half the
3. What  is  your  opinion  of  the  weapons  and  equipment  you  have  been  provided  
thus  far?  
While perfectly adequate for our operations, the field equipment issued is entirely too limiting
for today's enterprising agent. People tend to only see one use for an item; this needs to me
remedied. Take the telescoping baton for example. There are very few situations in which
bludgeoning something with it is not a good idea. Further training should be provided to all
agents on what to bludgeon and when.
4. Which,  if  any,  additional  weapons  would  you  like  to  see  added  to  the  
Agency  arsenal?  
This is a hard one, as I bring in many materials from home to supplement my agency-approved
munitions. My two biggest suggestions are a taser taped and wired into the standard-issue
baton, and a wrist-mounted flamethrower concealed by the coat of the agent, and activated by
use of the word "Fire" in some dead language. To create the illusion of magically created flame,
with the ward-breaking effects of scientifically created napalm.
5. Describe  your  relationship  to  HQ:  
I love HQ! And that's because I'm fairly certain they won't read beyond that line. In truth, my
relation to HQ depends largely on how much they need me, and how much of my crap they're
willing to put up with. On average, I have nothing but respect and half-witty comments for
Command, and they have nothing but fleeting tolerance for me.

Page  3  

GREEN  LEVEL  CLEARANCE  TEST  –  DIV  66  –  REF  #  2018D2  

Part  IV:  Agency  –  In  the  Field  
1. Describe  your  first  experience  in  the  field  and  your  reaction  to  that  
My first experience in the field consisted of a flat tire. My first actually-accomplishing-something
in the field was a raid on a group I wasn't allowed to know the name of in some backwater
warehouse. My reaction consisted of doing what I was ordered, in creative and blunt ways.
The commander told me later he expected me to pull their truck's spark plugs, not drive it
through a wall into their bar and through their liquor shelves. I felt disabling their vehicle and
  demoralizing their troops was a double win.
2. Describe  your  last  active  mission,  and  how  your  participation  actively  
contributed  to  your  team’s  success.  
My last active mission was fairly simple; getting a picture of the multimedia tower nearby
because it had those tasty cell-phone relays Blue was looking for. The mission consisted of
running to the tower, hopping a fence, then telling the security guard who came driving up that
I was looking for a Frisbee that had gone over. Exciting? No. Hilarious? Yes.
3. Have  you  ever  been  wounded  in  the  field?  If  yes,  describe  the  experience,  
and  how  it  will  be  avoided  in  the  future.  
My single field injury haunts me to this day, serving as a dark reminder of how the loss of
control, during any situation, can have unforeseen consequences. During the aforementioned
flat tire, and unmentioned lack of a spare, in a moment of rage and weakness I kicked the flat
with a surprising amount of force. The resulting sprained toe is a constant reminder to me of
the importance of self control. I also wear steel toed shoes on every mission now.
4. Have  you  ever  lost  a  fellow  agent  in  the  field?  If  yes,  describe  the  
experience,  and  how  it  will  be  avoided  in  the  future.  
I have yet to lose a fellow agent in the field. Largely because the agents team up with me
are already aware of my reputation, and don't need an invitation to follow me in running away
from the ticking box I so carefully placed down.
5. Describe  your  preferred  methods  when  dealing  with  local  authorities  and  
military  personnel  in  the  field.  How  do  you  avoid  detection  and  
How to deal with them? Don't. Avoid if at all possible, and lie your way out if not. As a rule,
these people don't care what you're doing unless you're holding the ticking bomb. Even then
they'd probably believe you just found it there. Probably. I'd say a solid two thirds of the
times it's happened.
6. Describe  your  most  recent  experience  gathering  information  
(reconnaissance,  hacking,  interrogating  prisoners,  etc).  
I'm going to be considerably more honest with you than most other agents. I get all my
interrogation techniques from TV, but they work well enough. Despite my requests to command
I was not allowed to interrogate BLUCRU5. so that would make my intel gathering the last active
mission mentioned above. I still can't believe that Frisbee thing worked.
Page  4  

GREEN  LEVEL  CLEARANCE  TEST  –  DIV  66  –  REF  #  2018D2  

Part  V:  Agency  –  Green  Level  
1. Beyond  your  agency  training,  what  special  skills  can  you  offer  the  agency?  
A well-developed list of non-agency contacts ensures that I can operate in a few dozen places
at once without agency ties. As for my direct special skills, they largely revolve around my
total disregard for the laws of Man and God in order to achieve a optimal mission result. If the
rest of the division hadn't been too squeamish to terminate Gwen and brainwash Msika into
forgetting her when I said so, Captain Patrick would still be with us.
2. Why  do  you  deserve  Green  Level  clearance?  
My expertise in the field of Black Ops has been well noted by both my test scores and other agents.
In the words of one agent 'I know everyone in the agency knows what happens if they don't put
you at least up for the [REDACTED] The place will be gone before the [REDACTED] even goes up" 1.
My skills have inspired both confidence and respect among other agents "Pasadena is lost,
Daedalus do your thing." 2. My combat prowess is well known throughout the fine agents of
division 66 "Because you might have inadvertently summoned Daedalus who would proceed to
fight everything with fire."3. Even command has recognized my talent "Nice work Daedalus!"4.
and my ability to bring the best out of other agents is unsurpassed "I was dragged in to this by
Daedalus, blame him"5.
But, the completely in context statements from my fellow agents aside, the agency needs an
agent who's willing to do what it takes, and burn down any village in the name of the operation.
Being deserving of level Green is irrelevant, the world needs people like me to be level Green
Besides, Green agents probably have a high mortality rate anyway, and I can rig a bomb to go off
when my heart stops.

2. Agent Catalyst.
3. Agent Bats,
4. Anashel,

Page  5  

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