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District 6970 Rotaract Committee
The District Rotaract Committee is responsible for publicizing the Rotaract program and the development and
administration of the district Rotaract program, in accordance with Rotary International and district policies, by
providing counsel and assistance to clubs when forming and/or sponsoring Rotaract clubs.
Currently, there are 13 RI Certified Rotaract clubs with club #14 waiting for RI approval: They are: 1)Beaches
Community Club, 2) Bethune-Cookman University, 3) Daytona State College-Daytona Beach Campus, 4) Daytona
State College-Deltona Campus, 5) Daytona State College, 6) Flagler/Palm Coast Campus, 7) Downtown Jax
Community Club, 8) Flagler College, 9) First Coast Community Club, 10) Gainesville Community Club, 11) St. Johns
River State College-Orange Park Campus, 12) University of Gainesville,13) University of North Florida and 14)
Jacksonville University
2015-2016 Overarching District 6970 Rotaract Goals:
To strengthen the infrastructure of the District 6970 Rotaract District Committee by developing
policies and procedures for the administration of the program that will serve as
the foundation for the future leadership of this Committee.
To strengthen the quality and consistency of all Rotaract clubs throughout District 6970
by reinforcing the relationship between the sponsoring Rotary clubs and
the Rotaract Clubs through education and training from the District Committee.
To develop of strong team of committee members who are educated as to what their duties and
responsibilities are, and to be actively engaged in the management and implementation of programming.
To add an equal number of fully engaged Rotaractors as committee members who implement the
responsibilities and tasks as per Rotary International mandates. (Guide for District Rotaract
Representatives; Page 1, paragraphs 3 and 4).
To strengthen the relationship between sponsoring Rotary Clubs and Rotaract through training,
education, mentoring and activities.
To provide training and education for Rotaract Presidents, Rotarian Advisors, Faculty Advisors.
To visit all Rotaract Clubs during the year.
Beginning August 1st, the District Committee will be assembled to review the strategic plan for the 20152016 year so that on August 15th, the Committee will be prepared to begin its service.
Committee Goals:
Chair: To contact each Rotaract club and personally speak with each President, Rotarian Advisor and/or
Faculty Advisor to introduce myself and the committee to establish an open line of communication.
To assess each club’s organization and management.
To require each club to submit its adopted Bylaws and Constitution to the Rotaract Committee, (copies to
be sent to each sponsoring club and for the District file)
To require each club to send its RI Certification form to the District Committee, (if a club does not have
one, we will ask RI for a copy. The copy will be sent to sponsoring clubs and for the District file).
To make sure each Rotaract Club Officer, Director, Faculty Advisor and/or Rotarian Advisor have a copy of
the Rotaract Handbook and a list of Rotaract resources.
To provide Rotaract specific training at District events.
To encourage multiple clubs to partner in sponsoring a Rotaract Club.
To encourage Rotarian Advisors to set up a Rotaract Committee (at the club level) to share the
District 6970 Rotaract Committee Goals 2015-2016
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the Rotarian Advisor responsibilities and to ensure Rotarian involvement at all Rotaract events.
To encourage Faculty Advisors to partner with one or more colleagues to share the Faculty
Advisor responsibilities and to ensure Faculty Advisor participation at all Rotaract events.
To establish a District Rotaract Facebook page to provide a platform for Rotaractors to communicate with
each other. Facebook page will serve as the go-to place for the dissemination of Rotaract information from
the District Committee, RI, etc. and will serve as a depository for governance documents.
To develop a District newsletter, as per RI mandate produced and edited by the Rotaract Representatives.
To develop a survey for Rotaractors, Rotarian Advisors and Faculty Advisors to taken before and after the
Rotary year to:
determine pre and post knowledge of Rotaract
assess the needs Rotaract Clubs and then to assess if those needs were met
determine how the District Committee can improve services to the Rotaract Clubs and sponsoring
Rotary Clubs
To create awareness in all Rotary Clubs throughout the District about the importance of Rotaract. The
message will be:
Rotaract is the lifeline of Rotary
Rotaract Clubs need the support of Rotarians, i.e., mentors
Rotary Clubs, whether sponsoring or non-sponsoring clubs should want to invest in future
Rotary leadership (through financial support) i.e., Rotaract at the District/State level. This
allows for the incoming Rotaract leadership to attend PETS and other District events, and so
that current leadership will have funding to attend District events and activities.
District Rotaract International project
District Rotaract Polio Plus project
Partnership with Rotaractors and Interactors and EarlyAct though mentoring and projects
Additional Goals will be added when appropriate
Long Term Goals
A full day Rotaract training session with a community service project, (either a stand-alone conference or
attached to another District event or PETS)
To have a District website or at the minimum, a page on the District website specifically for Rotaract to be
used as an educational and training center with webinars, documents and resources relating to Rotaract.
Produce multiple webinars on various Rotaract topics
Present live training webinars
Produce PSAs and other promotional information specifically for recruiting Rotaractors
Add more Rotaract clubs, especially community-based clubs, so college-based Rotaractors can move to a
community-based club upon their graduation from college
Committee Make-up and Responsibilities (based on RI Model with modifications)
A minimum of 8 members will comprise this committee, more can be added as needed.
1. Co-Chair: Rotarian: Liaison to the District 2. Co-Chair: Rotaractor Liaison to the District
Co-Chairs will work together to assist the committee members to complete tasks
Rotarian Co-Chair will work specifically with new clubs in the process of certification
Rotarian Co-Chair will work specifically will sponsoring Rotary Clubs
Rotaractor Co-Chair will work specifically with Rotaract Club Leadership
Co-Chairs will coordinate District Training
Co-Chairs will work with all committee members to support service projects and international projects
Co-Chairs will work together to problem solve at every level
3. Committee Member- Rotarian: Rotarian Advisor Coordinator
There are 13 Rotarian Advisors
Contact will be made with each Rotarian Advisor by July 31st
Develop a relationship with Rotarian Advisor, exchange contact information
District 6970 Rotaract Committee Goals 2015-2016
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Provide Resources and Support
Train and Educate Advisors: a) RI-Registering Rotaract Attendance Sept 30th and March 31st each year
b) bank account info as per RI, c) Rotaract involvement in conferences, d) have Rotaract PE elected by Dec
31st and registered for PETS by Feb 1st
4. Committee Member- Rotaractor: Rotaract District Newsletter/Public Relation/ Social Media Coordinator
Be in touch (via email, text, phone) with Public Relations/Social Media Director of each Rotaract club
Develop a District Rotaract e-newsletter (clubs will send information for the newsletter)
Update D6970 Rotaract Facebook Page and Website
5. Committee Member: Rotarian: Faculty Advisor Coordinator
There are 9 College-based Rotaract Club
Contact will be made with each Faculty Advisor by July 31st
Develop a relationship with Faculty Advisor
Provide Resources and Support
Train and Educate Advisors on: a) There need to be aware that the Rotaract President and/or Rotarian
Advisor must report attendance to RI-Registering Rotaract Attendance Sept 30th and March 31st each year
b) Determine how fundraising/dues are conducted as per college rules c) Inform them about Rotaract
involvement in conferences, d) have Rotaract PE elected by Dec 31st and registered for PETS by Feb 1st
Provide governance materials via email to Faculty Advisors
Contact Sponsoring Rotary Clubs to be sure that Faculty Advisors are being invited to Rotary meetings
6. Committee Member: Rotaractor: World Rotaract Week (WRW) Coordinator
Inform and Educate Rotaract President, Faculty Advisors and Rotarian Advisor by Nov 1st about WRW in
March 2016
Make contact with clubs February 1 to find out what projects they have planned to commemorate WRW
Send information two times in February and the first two weeks in March with ideas from RI from WRW
7. Committee Member: Rotaractor: World Rotaract Week (WRW) Coordinator (works with Rotarian
Advisor and
Faculty Advisor Coordinators)
Contact Rotaract Vice Presidents and/or PEs to assist with Bylaws development
Provide templates for strategic Planning, how to run a meeting, agendas and minutes, etc.
Be sure that the 2015-2016 Presidential Citation and Zone Awards are sent by August 31st for planning
purposes and sent again by January 1st and contact again by March 15th to remind them to complete the
forms and send to appropriate person.
8. Committee Member: Rotaractor: Multi-Rotaract Club Activities and Events Coordinator
Contact the Community Service Chairs and International Service Chairs in each Rotaract Club to ask what
projects are being planned for and how other clubs can participate or support the project
Develop a Polio Plus District project for Rotaractors to participate in as a group and/or as a club project
Inform Rotaractors about District training seminar at St. John River State College (August), PETS
President-Elect Training in Orlando (only for PEs) (March), District Assembly/ Conference (May)Flagler
Note that each grouping of Rotarian/Rotaractor will work as a team and are encouraged to add more
members to the committee.
When the committee meets (via phone conference or in person) the committee will write a job description
and duties if needed beyond the suggestions listed above.
District 6970 Rotaract Committee Goals 2015-2016
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