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Video Games
Question 1: How many video games have been made?
Answer: The number of retail video games has been estimated to be
over 120,000.

Question 2: Who made the first video game?
Answer: Thomas T. Goldsmith, Jr. made the first arcade
game with a CRT display. It was called the Cathode Ray Tube
Amusement Device, and released in 1947.

Question 3: What was the first video game Nintendo released?
Answer: Released in Japan on November 1979, Sheriff was
Nintendo's first video game. They actually worked with SEGA (the
creator of Sonic) to make the game!

Question 4: Why were video games created?
Answer: The first analog computer video games were created as a
sort of proof-of-concept, showing that it was possible to move dots on
a screen using buttons. However, with the invention of the digital
computer, video games were made for

amusement or

Question 5: What was Atari's first video game?
Answer: Pong was Atari's first video game, designed by Allan
Arcorn and released as an arcade cabinet in 1972.

Question 6: What was the first home video game console?
Answer: The first home video game console was the


Odyssey. It was designed by Ralph H. Baer, released by
Magnavox in 1972, had a price of $99, and sold 330,000 systems.


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