Altar Needs (PDF)

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Altar Plans

* Table
Used, small, wooden table

Check ebay sellers
Calcite - Mental stimulation. Memory, wisdom, intuition, astral projection, channeling.
Relieves depression.
Amethyst- Celibacy, piety, sobriety, luck, marital fidelity, protection from baneful spells,
prevention of home-sickness
Peridot - relieves stress, good luck, influence, balance emotions.
Citrine - Citrine is a definite stone of success! It is particularly helpful in assisting with
abundance and prosperity. It further enhances and enjoyment of life and spiritual
growth. It dissipates negative energies and promotes inner calm.
Rose Quartz - Unconditional love
Quartz - Power protection harmony and balance
Tiger's Eye is a stone of protection that is also very stabilizing and grounding. It
enhances integrity, willpower, self-confidence, practicality and correct use of power. It
is a stone that enhances good luck, and brings prosperity, often in the form of money.
Tiger's eye is also a very protective stone which is especially protective during travel. It
can also help one see clearly without illusion.

Glass bottles to hold herbs or vials
Smudge stick to purify area
Cloves and jasmine flowers, rose petals

Cloves are for love, self-confidence, and protection.
Jasmine is good for love, and success, soul mates, and charging quartz crystals.
Rose petals - deep pink/blended- gratitude, appreciation, socialbility friendship
Celandine -Used in magickal rituals for protection, assists in legal matters and brings
victory, to promote happiness and joy, increases self-confidence when facing
adversaries, assists in escaping unwarranted imprisonment or entrapment when you
are feeling trapped, and protects you from negative energies when worn. This herb is
known to cure depression.

*Mortar & Pestle
Find wooden pair on ebay.

Purchase from dollar tree
Red, White, Pink
Red:Passion, energy, love, lust, relationships, sex, vitality, courage
White:Destruction of negative energy, peace, truth and purity, enhance other energies.
Pink: love, self-love, harmony, friendship, affection, romance, and femininity.

*Essential Oils
Lavendar and Rose oils - for love, peace, sex and health
Ginger Oil - Magickal energy, physical energy, sex, love, money-attracting, courage
Oil burner

Circular wood piece, with decoupage collage. Sealed in resin.
Find old book store. Use words, and imagery.
Representations of earth, air, fire and water.
(Feather, wand or salt, white votive, small bowl of water or sea shell)


For wine drinking/blessing.

Make your own "Wishing Wand" for daily thoughts.

*Other Essentials
Glass vials, jars, satchels & smudge stick.

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