frequently asked questions (PDF)

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Author: philip koehn

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Pineview Woodstoves LLC

Frequently Asked
Q: Can I burn green wood in my outdoor wood furnace?
A: In the Heatmaster SS MF-Series and MF-eSeries outdoor wood furnaces
you can burn almost any kind of wood green or dry. In the G-Series outdoor wood
furnaces we recommend burning wood that is between 20% and 30% moisture.

Q: What size do I need to cut my wood?

A: Heatmaster SS MF-Series and MF-eSeries outdoor wood furnaces can burn
almost any wood you can fit through the door due their forced draft system, but for optimal
efficiency wood should be split to a size that is easy to handle. The Heatmaster SS GSeries(gasification) outdoor wood furnaces require that wood be split in chunks no more
than 5 inches in diameter.

Q: How far from the building can I place my outdoor furnace?
A: Although, on an average, outdoor wood furnaces are usually placed between 150
and 200 feet from the building, they can be placed closer or further than that as per the
buyer's request.

Q: What kind of line do you run from the furnace to the
A: We run insulated one inch pex lines (usually a red and a blue) from the outdoor
wood furnace to the building. We carry several styles, below:

Q: Do I have to run antifreeze in my outdoor wood furnace?
A: Although some people run antifreeze in their outdoor wood furnaces, it is not
always necessary, depending on the circumstances, installation, and owner preference.
Because the pump circulates all the time, it is not always necessary.

Q: How deep do I need to burry my outdoor boiler line?

A: We usually bury the insulated line between 3 and 4 feet deep. If you are planning
to bury underground line, we recommend that you call diggers' hotline (811) before you dig
and have them mark any underground pipes or wires.

Q: Can I burn coal in my outdoor wood furnace?

A: The Heatmaster SS MF-Series and Heatmaster SS MF-eSeries outdoor wood
furnaces are designed to burn either coal or wood. There are markers on the back wall of
the firebox indicating the max fill line.

Q: What temperature should I set for my boiler water temp?
A: The furnace will come pre-set to 180*F but can easily be set to whatever temp
you want.

Q: What is the best steel to use for an outdoor wood
A: .409 Titanium Enhanced stainless steel resists corrosion and tolerates expansion
and contraction due to changing temperatures far better than other steels. Due to its
superior quality, furnace fire boxes don't need to be made as thick as boiler plate or mild
steel boilers.

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