Small Moderator Guide For ScoutCity (PDF)

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Author: Flusky

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Small Moderator Guide For ScoutCity
!rules (you can force client to read rules by typing !rules <nick>):
RESPECT all the players
Don't BE ANNOYING in any kind of way.
Speak ENGLISH mostly
Don't AVOID combat
Don't DISTURB your teammates
Don't AFK (both on spec or team)
Don't SWEAR too much
Don't SPAM the chat & mic
Don't ASK for moderator
If you don't like the server simply LEAVE

"Not Respecting Other Players"
"Being Annoying, Disturbing Others"
"Speaking Foreign Language Too Much"
"Cheating, Exploiting, Abusing"
"Avoiding Combat"
"Swearing, Spamming, Micspamming"
"Breaking Server Rules (overall)"
"Other (custom)"

Useful Commands: !votemap <name> !map <name> !sm_admin (all the
If you ban player using !sm_admin, you choose for how long (its not permament if you don’t
choose it). That’s why bans should be also used as “kick” when for example you ban player
for 30minutes for smth. Also always give players second chances, never ban for too long for
the first time, unless its cheating BUT don’t ban for cheating if its not 100% obvious, we know
that there are some skillful players on the server and even though sometimes it looks like
cheatings, its just map knowledge+good aim+gamesense and a little bit luck sometimes.
Now I will describe how to use admin commands:
- Slap & Slay – Use slap on someone who changes skins instead of playing, avoiding
gunfighting, bhopping around the map for no reason, camping, afking for 1-2 rounds etc.
- Mute & Gag – On someone who spams, micspams, constantly speaks foreign language,
swear too much etc.
- Kick – Use kick on someone who afks too much (there is autokick afk but you can do it
earlier), after not listening to mods.
- Ban – (use after a warning/kick)
"Not Respecting Other Players" – 30min to 4h for first time, 4h to 1week second time

"Being Annoying, Disturbing Others" - 30min to 4h for first time, 4h to 1week second time
"Speaking Foreign Language Too Much" – 10min to 30min for first time, 1h to 4h second
"Swearing, Spamming, Micspamming" – 10min to 30min for first time, 1h to 4h second time
"Cheating, Exploiting, Abusing" – After being 100% sure 1week ban, then contact me.
Otherwise contact me. Always check profile for csgo hours, vac bans, comments and all the
info about the player before judging.
"Avoiding Combat" – 30min to 1h for the first time, 1h to 4h second time
Some quick explanation:
- Only bhopping without really playing is avoiding combat/being annoying
- “Tactical” Hiding, camping and running away is allowed as long as it’s reasonable.
Otherwise it’s also avoiding combat/being annoying
- Players tend to choose skins instead of playing during round, give a warning and slap them
- Try to always calm down players who are arguing before punishing them.
- Distinguish one-time joke from constantly breaking rules.
- There are some situations when players write stuff like “only noscope” or “don’t kill me” etc.
remember that the server rule is to not be annoying what means letting others play how they
want regardless.

Last thing: Be very helpful with everything. Chat, talk, explain. Patience is important. Be
friendly. Make sure you know all the server public commands(remind about
!cmds/!help/!commands). If you can invite to steamgroup as many ppl as possible. Promote
youtube, encourage donating. Many ppl don’t know about !record <round> <what>
command, !res = removing round end sounds, give the info about disabling killcam in
settings, server playlist is available on or scoutcity’s soundcloud (easily
find). Tell them how the nades work if they ask, when you get decoys flashes etc. Ask me
anything about the settings if you don’t know something.
Lastly remember its community server which supposed to be a hybrid of casual-competitive
so at the end don’t be too strict.

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