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In Loving Memory
January 2015

January 10, 2015 - Christmas Weekday


January 11, 2015-The Baptism of the Lord


Salvatore Zingone
R/B Wife, Dominica

Candles: Giuseppe Dininno & Julia Pallotto
R/B Andrew & Jean Pallotto
Sanctuary Granato & Arolan Families
Lamp: R/B Antoinette Arolan


January 12, 2015 - Weekday


January 13, 2015 - Weekday


January 14, 2015 - Weekday


January 15, 2015 - Weekday


January 16, 2015 - Weekday


January 17, 2015 - St. Anthony, Abbot


January 18, 2015 - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Lord, bless those who have died
and gone before us marked with the
sign of faith.
May all who sleep in Christ find in
Your presence, light, happiness,
and peace.
May God grant them eternal rest.


Parish Secretary
Baptismal Classes
R.C.I.A. Director
Music Director
& Bulletin Editor
Don’t forget to visit the office and schedule your
Mass intentions. It’s open from 9AM to 1:30PM.
The Mass book for 2015 is now open. Thank You.
If you know of any parishioner of Mt. Carmel,
who is in any hospital, please contact the Friary
so that we can arrange to visit them.
Thank You.

Business Manager, Fundraising,
Plant Operations, Pres. P.A.B
Event Coordinator
Baptisms & Marriages


May God bless you and your family
for your generosity.

Let us, in charity, take time to pray
for all the sick & all those in need of
God’s healing power & love.
Especially for:
George Giaquinto, Rosemarie Trentacost, Kay Fischer,
Oliver Cadet, Carmen Russo, Irma Tay, Jenna Paranto,
Joe Capria, Ilidia de Jesus Neto, Luis De Jesus Branco,
Nancy Ippolito, Elizabeth Crespo, Calvin Procope, Joseph
Hughey, Deacon Ed Ramirez, Madeline DeLotto, Harrison
Shauger, Patrick Gaeta, Catherine Finocchiaro,
Regina Morales, Hillery Fontenot,
Rose Wesner, Cheryl Doremus Hall, James Doremus,
Andrew Doremus, Eddie Baudendistel, Lorraine Sawicki,
Felicidad Alcalde, Elsa Giaconia, Steven & Eva Kovach,
Charles DeVasto, John & Helen Scangarella, Joseph Crincoli,
Charles Campisi, Madeline DeLotto, Charles Orlando Jr.,
Joshua Altreche, Milagros Gomez Cortez, and
Rose Dininno
(We ask that you contact the Rectory’s office
with any updates for this list. Thank you)

Kids Corner…

Did You Know...
Try to make
all the words
fit in the
puzzle and
then color the

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Special Events In Our Parish
***Let’s get involved and build up our Parish***
***Together and with God, we can do it***

Weekly Collections
From 12/14/14 to 1/4/15
December 14, 2014: $2,597.76
December 21, 2014: $2,110.70
December 25, 2014: $3,453.23
December 28, 2014: $3,129.54
January 4, 2015:
Filipino Mass 1/4/15 $ 372.00
If you have any questions, please contact
the rectory. Thank you for your support to
our parish, your generosity is much appreciated. Happy New Year to all.

As of January 1st,
2015, the 7:30AM
Monday Mass has
been moved to
If you have any Mass intentions that were
scheduled for the 7:30AM Mass on Mondays, they will be moved to the 12Noon
Mass. If you prefer to have the Mass
moved to another day, please contact the
rectory and speak with Odette.
This change will help keep our daily
Masses consistent throughout the week.

Thank you for your cooperation.
You may have received a letter asking you
to support the 2014 Bishop’s Annual Appeal. If you have not yet responded, there
is still time to do so as the 2014 Appeal
funds are used to support ministries and
program to the end of the diocesan fiscal
year on June 30, 2015. Your gift is a great
blessing and valued so we can serve Christ
by serving his people. Thank you.

…. To all the parishioners
and friends of Our Lady of
Mt. Carmel who donated
their time, food, cookies,
decorations and prayers. We were honored
to serve 114 people at our luncheon on December 21st. Your generosity also allowed
us to provide 75 gift cards and 45 pairs of
winter gloves to our guests. God bless you,
and may your New Year be filled with God’s
peace! The Outreach Ministry.
Thank you as well to St. Clare’s Knight of
Columbus for all the Christmas gifts they
donated for the needy. God bless you all.

Annual Prayer Service
The Passaic Ecumenical Committee invites you to
attend the Annual Prayer Service in celebration of
the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity to be
held at 3:30PM on Sunday, January 18th, 2015,
in The Hungarian Reformed Church, 220
Fourth Street, Passaic, NJ. The Most Rev. Kurt
Burnette, Bishop of The Byzantine Catholic Diocese of Passaic, will be the homilist. The Ecumenical Choir made up of members of the participating Churches will lead the congregation in
song. Those attending are asked to bring nonperishable food items to be distributed to the
needy of Passaic by the Salvation Army and the
United Passaic Organization Food bank.
Refreshments will be served at The Calvin Hall
after the service. All are invited.

The next Parish Advisory Board
meeting will be on January 13th
at 7:30PM. We ask you to please
be prompt. See you then.

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