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Ten Key Questions About Teeth Straightening

Many adults are embarrassed by their less than perfect teeth. Many also think that as the majority
of orthodontic treatment is carried out on teenagers, older people just have to put up with crooked
teeth. Recent advances in the teeth straightening world mean that adults can now get the perfect
smile in as little as 6-9 months compared with 2-3 years for traditional techniques, but what do you
have to think about when deciding whether this course of treatment is right for you?
1. Am I a Suitable Candidate for Treatment?
In nearly all cases, there are techniques which can be used to straighten out your crooked teeth,
from traditional metal braces to more innovative techniques such as Cfast. Every patient is different,
e e o e’s teeth a e diffe e t, a d it’s i possi le fo a de tist to sa hi h te h i ue ill suit
best without seeing you. We offer a free initial assessment so you can discuss the treatment options
with the dentist before making any decisions. Cfast is only available for patients over the age of 18,
and younger patients should consult their dentist or orthodontist to see what options may be
available for them.
2. What Results Am I Hoping For?
During an initial assessment appointment, the dentist will be able to look at the current position of
your teeth and give you some idea of what they will look like after treatment to have them
st aighte ed. Do ’t el o efo e a d afte pi tu es o li e; o l seei g a de tist fo a tho ough
consultation and assessment will allow you to understand what is and is not possible in your case.
Patients who have their teeth straightened using the Cfast technique are usually delighted with the
results, and Cfast is also rapidly becoming the most popular rapid teeth straightening technique used
by celebrities.
3. How Long Does the Treatment Last?
Traditional orthodontic techniques often meant 2 years or more of wearing metal braces, and
repeated visits to the dentist to have them adjusted and tightened. At Sloan Dental we use an

innovative new technique called Cfast, which provides equally good results to traditional techniques
in just 6 to 9 months or less. Just like other types of orthodontic techniques, once your initial
treatment has been completed, you will have to wear a retainer overnight to stop your teeth moving
back to their original position. With Cfast, patients have the option of wearing a removable retainer
overnight, or having an invisible retainer permanently bonded to the undersides of the teeth. Our
dentists will fully explain the procedure to you before you decide whether or not to go ahead with
Cfast, or any other type of teeth straightening treatment.
4. Is Having Crooked Teeth Better than Having to Wear Braces?
Many people are put off having their teeth straightened because of the idea that braces are ugly and
intrusive. That may certainly be the case with traditional metal braces, but Cfast is designed to be
almost invisible. Cfast uses transparent brackets and wire which is matched to the colour of your
teeth to ealig the , so u less so eo e gets eall lose, the p o a l o ’t e e ealise ou’ e
wearing braces at all.
. Is ’t It Ver E pe sive?
It’s t ue to sa that Cfast tooth st aighte i g, a d othe os eti p o edu es, a e ’t a aila le
through the NHS. Prices will vary given that every case is different. We offer a free initial,
no-obligation assessment where prices can be discussed for your specific case. Prices will be fully
explained up front so you can make an informed decision about whether the treatment is right for
you. Bear in mind that using a technique such as Cfast, which works more quickly and requires fewer
appointments often costs less than traditional orthodontic treatment. We also firmly believe that
ou a ’t put a p i e on the increased confidence and happiness which having straight teeth can
. If M Teeth Are ’t Crooked, Is There A

thi g That Ca

e Do e?

It’s a o
is o eptio that a es a o l so t out teeth hi h a e ooked. I fa t, Cfast
transparent braces can also be used in patients whose teeth are already straight, but who have
crowding in their mouth or gaps between their teeth. Gaps and crowding in teeth can make people
just as self-conscious about their smile as people whose problem is crooked teeth. Many patients
ill ha e a o i atio of o di g a d ooked teeth, so it’s i po ta t to see o e of ou de tists
so that they can complete a thorough assessment and discuss with you which type of treatment
could offer you the best results.
7. Should I Worry If My Back Teeth are Crooked?
If your dentist considers your teeth to be healthy, and they are not causing you any difficulty, then in
many cases it is best to leave teeth at the back of your mouth alone. When you smile, or meet
someone for the fi st ti e, it’s just the si teeth at the f o t of ou outh hi h people oti e.
These are the teeth which dentists term the social six as they are the most important in your
mouth for appearance. The Cfast system works by straightening these social six teeth, giving
amazing results in a much shorter period of time.
8. It’s M Botto

Teeth I’

Co er ed A out, Ca I Still Have The

Straighte ed?

Depending on your facial features, the bottom row of teeth can be just as visible as the upper teeth
when you smile. Some patients opt for having just their bottom teeth straightened, others have just

the upper teeth done, others have two braces fitted to straighten both top and bottom teeth at the
same time. Crowding and gapping in the bottom row of teeth can easily be dealt with by using Cfast
braces, and your dentist will be able to talk you through the procedure, and what results you could
expect to achieve.
9. Are There Any Medical Reasons Why Having Straight Teeth Is Better?
Most people who consider having their teeth straightened are doing so for purely cosmetic reasons,
but often there are important medical and dental benefits to having straighter teeth too. If your
teeth are straight and well aligned, that makes them easier to clean and can help prevent gum
disease and tooth decay. If your crooked teeth are not meeting properly when you chew, having
them straightened can make eating easier, and could even prevent jaw problems in the future.
10. Do I Have To Watch What I Eat and Drink When Wearing Braces?
Whate e t pe of a es ou a e ea i g, ou de tist ill tell ou that it’s e e
o e i po ta t
than usual to have good dental hygiene. Particles of food can get lodged in braces, and our dentist
might advise you to avoid certain types of food which can prove problematic. While you are wearing
the braces it is wise to brush your teeth after every meal, use a mouthwash and floss between teeth
as needed. Your dentist will talk you through the best way to look after your teeth and braces after
they have been fitted. As the braces are clear, they can also become discoloured by certain foods
and drinks such as coffee or red wine. Again, your dentist will discuss this with you. Remember
though that you will only be wearing your Cfast braces for 6 to 9 months compared with traditional
braces, which can be worn for up to 2 years.

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