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South Atlantic Living Shorelines Summit
April 12-13, 2016 Jacksonville, Florida
The purpose of the South Atlantic Living Shoreline Summit is to share information on the management,
research, regulation, and implementation of living shorelines in the region, building knowledge and
relationships that expand the use of appropriate stabilization alternatives to traditional shoreline hardening.
Expert panel discussions on the first day of the Summit (April 12) include these topics:
Status of Management and Implementation of Living Shorelines in the South Atlantic Region
Triaging Estuarine Shorelines: How to Identify and Use the Best Practical Alternatives
Living Shoreline Research – Recent Research and Development
Best Practices for Designing and Constructing Living Shorelines and Lessons Learned
Comparing Costs of Living Shorelines to More Traditional Stabilization Methods
Promoting Living Shoreline Projects: A Recent Report on Overcoming Institutional Barriers
Living Shorelines: Federal Agency Initiatives
The Living Shorelines Academy on April 13 is a technical training workshop and field tour organized by the
NC Coastal Federation that will expand on project planning, design, and construction methods.
Summit only
Summit only (student/non-profit)
Academy only
Summit & Academy
Summit & Academy (student/non-profit)
Before March 12
After March 12
Hosted by the Governors’ South Atlantic Alliance with support from EPA Region IV and The Nature
Conservancy, especially for those working in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.
Researchers, regulators and policymakers, property owners and managers, planners, contractors,
and non-profit organizations are all invited to attend and can benefit from the expertise and networking
opportunities at the Summit and the Academy.
For Exhibitor ($200) and
An evening Poster Session and Social will follow the Summit. For poster submittal, please contact Seth
Theuerkauf (
DoubleTree Hotel Jacksonville Riverfront, located along the St. Johns River. A group rate of $89 per
night is available for Summit participants until March 21st. For full agenda and more information
regarding registration, hotel reservations, and benefits of sponsorship, please visit
South Atlantic Living Shorelines Summit Flyer.pdf (PDF, 53.31 KB)
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