Staff Manual (PDF)

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Author: lewis Binnie

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Staff Manual 1.0
Welcome to the Avantia Survival Staff Manual. This is
subject to change at any time, and it is staff
responsibility to check this if said occurrence
happens. This manual contains all material needed to
know the ins and outs of being a staff member. It will
cover all said topics discussed when promoted, such
 Staff Duties
 Permissions
 Existing Staff
This manual is not be to reproduced, copied or used in
a malicious state. It is also not to be defaced or
altered as a prank/joke, and for any server owners
wanting to use this manual, speak to _ChampionRed_
or CreeperAttack117 before copying said manual.

Section One: Welcome to The Team
Ok guys, so by now you may have realised (hopefully)
that you have been accepted into the Avantian Staff
Team. We pick our applicants carefully, read apps
through, and test them at certain points. You, reader,

have been accepted, and now have a job to do for the
server. You must know that as a staff member, you
are not “working” for the server, as the owners are
not paying you. If we decide to remove your position
as staff, you have no legal right to take action against
us. You are helping out the server, and we are glad of
that. So, lets get into Section 2.

Section 2: Staff Duties and Permissions
Alright everyone, all staff have certain duties. Your
rank has special duties, and permissions. They will be
listed as follows:
Jr.Helpers are the bottom staff rank, and are subject
to staff training. You will be given the staff manual to
read over, and taught the basics of being staff on our
server by _ChampionRed_ and his team of Sr.Mods.
At the end of a week (less if we think you are good
enough), you will be given a Jr.Helper test. If you pass
this test, you will be given the Helper Rank.

Helpers are the people staff. If you have passed the
Jr.Helper test, you will be promoted to Helper, and
you will gain the commands:
fly, tp, tempban, (only up to 7d), kick, warn,
They will have direct communication to
owners/admins/mods, so in the result of hackers, you
will be able to get higher staff on. Helpers can also
use /co I to check who has griefed your land.
Moderators are the next level up. They have access to
more punishment systems, such as banning, and have
the final say over helpers and players. To get the
Moderator rank, you must be a helper and have
shown dedication and proved yourself as a helper. If
you are not fit to be a moderator, but are good as a
helper, you will stay as a helper. For more clarification
on staff abuse, and staff disrespect, see the rules
section on our forums (
Mods gain more commands, which are:
Socialspy, tempban (up to 1month), mute, vanish,
ban. They can also rollback land if someone is griefed.

Sr.Mods are basically higher mods. They have the
same responsibilities as mods, but gain more
coreprotect commands. Aside from this, they are the
training team. They have been on Avantia a while,
and have shown ultimate dedication to us. They know
the server upside-down, inside-out, so they are in
charge of training up the Jr.Helpers. (For the first
month or so until we get sr.mods, training will be
done by _ChampionRed_) All trainees will be assigned
a mentor to look over them. Sr.Mod is the last staff
rank most people will obtain, as the next is VERY
Admins are the highest rank anyone will ever obtain
on Avantia Survival, aside from Owners. They have
access to lots more commands to assist them with
helping the server, such as /gmc, /fly, /feed, /heal
and ALL CoreProtect commands. Admins will also
have access to most stat resets, such as resetting
Autorank, mcMMO, and Jobs in said situation that
punishment needs to happen i.e afk machines, bug
exploits, mcMMO exploits. To get admin, you must

pass an admin test , and be a sr.mod that has shown
extraordinary skill as a staff member.

Section 3: Applications and Staff
Ok, so the existing staff as this manual (1.0) is written
is as follows:
Owners- _ChampionRed_ and CreeperAttack117
When you are a staff member, other applications may
come in on our forums. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO
ACCEPT/DENY THESE APPS. The decisions are made by
the owners, and the owners only. You can give
feedback on these apps, telling them how to get
better, but saying “Denied” or “Accepted” will result
in a immediate demote if you know. If you didn’t
know, you will be given 6 points on your staff licence.
The staff licence is your “card” given to you when you
are staff. It has 10 points on it, and if you have been
given 10 warning points, you will be demoted. Things
that will get you warning points are:
-Not warning before banning/tempbanning/muting
-Accepting or Denying apps.

-Disrespecting Players/Staff and Abusing Powers.

Section 4: Communication
Communication is a big part of us on Avantia. The
owners do not voice chat on anything, but we do have
a discord, which all staff are required to join (ask
owners for the link) When accepted, _ChampionRed_
or CreeperAttack117 will add you to the discord staff
chat, and you will be either trained by Red, or given a
Sr.Mod mentor.
Also, in your app you will be asked to give your email
address. You will be emailed this booklet by the
server helpline email.
We also communicate through the Trello Board,
where the owners will be able to give staff jobs to do.

Section 5: Inactivity
Staff on Avantia are expected to be active both in the
community and everywhere else the server is
involved in. Due to this, it is expected that every Staff
member (Including JrHelpers) will show at least 1 sign
of action in any of the staff chats (Excluding In-Game)
at least once every 15 days. If this condition is not

met the Staff member can be demoted or even kicked
of the Staff team. Here is the rule in more detail: It is
required that every Staff member (applies to Staff and
Dev ranks) speak something related to the server
and/or his activity on one of the Discord Staff Chats at
least once every 15 days. If the conditions are not
met, the following will occur: First inactivity warning:
The user will be reminded that he/she should be
active on the server and follow the Inactivity Rule.
Second inactivity warning: The user will be demoted
and put on probation. If the user is a JrHelper, he will
be kicked off the team. Third inactivity warning: The
user will be kicked off the team. A Staff Member can
submit an excuse directly with the Owners (for
privacy reasons), so that you can take your time off
without having any isssues that may end up with you
being out of the team. Should the user be internetless before being able to send an excuse, it is
important that you get access to any Internet Source
and excuse yourself as soon as possible. If not
possible, excuse yourself with the Owner after you’re
done with what you were going to do, even if you got
kicked out. This could mean you can be entered back
on the team without having to apply.

Section 6: Staff Rules and Punishments
Being staff is challenging at times, but it can be fun.
The staff has a set of rules you must abide by, or you
are at risk of demotion, probation, or being kicked off
the team. The punishment system of our server as is
Punishment System
Swearing- You are allowed to swear, but excessive
swearing will result in a warning, then a mute. If
swear words are used more than 5 times in a
sentence, carry out punishments.
---------------------------------------------------------------------Discrimination is NOT tolerated on Avantia. Any sort
of it, such as sexism, racism etc etc will be eliminated.
First Offense- Mute- With Appeal
Second Offense- Ban- With Appeal
------------------------------------------------------------------------Spamming- If you spam, you will be given a warning,
then a mute, then a tempban.

Hacking- First Offense- Ban- No Appeal. Hacks are XRay, KillAura, Fly etc etc
Minimaps and Optifine are allowed.
------------------------------------------------------------------------AFK Machines- If you are found with an afk machine,
you will be tempbanned for 1d and be given a stat
reset in Autorank. If they continue to build afk
machines, they will be given a perm ban- with appeal.
------------------------------------------------------------------------Exploiting Bugs and GlitchesFirst Offense- Tempban for 1w, and stat reset of
mcMMO and Jobs. If the user is not aware of the
rules, point them in the right direction.
Second Offense- Ban- No Appeal
------------------------------------------------------------------------Respect all Staff, and follow their orders. If you
discriminate, do not respect, or harass staff, you will
be given:
First Offense- Warning
Second Offense- Mute- With Appeal

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