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Depths of Fury
Welcome to Depths of Fury TERA online guild information page.
To begin with, is our rules.
Rule #1: Respect leaders, and fellow guildmates ALWAYS
Rule #2: ONLY take what you need from the guild bank. NEVER
take more than what you need. Anyone caught doing so, will be
warned once, if they do not return what they took or repeat the
offense they will be kicked from the guild.
Rule #3: Let the leader know when you rank every 10 levels so you
can be ranked.
Our Ranks are every 10 levels. When you reach a certain
level you can request your rank.
New Member - Recruit
Level 10 - Beginner
Level 20 - Beast
Level 30 - Savage
Level 40 - Blood Monger
Level 50 - Assassin
Level 60 - War Lord
Level 65 - Legend
depths of fury information.pdf (PDF, 44.78 KB)
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