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Permanent Recruitment for NQT’s
✓ Are you looking for a permanent job for your NQT year?
✓ Are you dreading having to apply to each school individually?
✓ Are you interested to interview with a number of different Head Teachers on the same
day, in one location?
We have the perfect solution for you.
is a specialist education recruitment consultancy, and we are leading a permanent
recruitment campaign for NQTs. We are holding permanent recruitment events throughout April
in the following locations:
The purpose of these events is to introduce you to Head Teachers in the area you are looking to
work in. This event allows you to be quickly and efficiently introduced to a number of different
schools in one day and in one location. We will introduce you to a number of Headteacherss for
short and informal interviews giving you an insight into the many different schools in your area
and also helping you to perfect your interview skills.
From this point you will secure formal observations/interviews at a later date with the schools you
are interested in.
Our client schools are only recruiting for permanent teaching staff. This is not agency or supply
work. The outcome is to gain a permanent contract to work with a London School, no different
from if you had applied directly to an advert, except this process allows you to really see the
choice of schools out there.
Getting Involved
Once you have confirmed interest we will speak to you to gain a bit more detail of your
preferences (Subject/Location/Type of Schools etc.) and we will send over a list of headteachers
that are attending that we feel meet your criteria. You will then choose which you would like to
meet on the day.
We will then confirm location, time and send over further details about what to expect on the day.
✓ You will only be interviewing with schools you have expressed an interest in.
✓ There is no charge for candidates
We will never charge candidates any sort of fee. It is
completely free to attend.
✓ This is a quick, efficient and interactive way to present yourself to schools as a potential
candidate for their permanent September teaching vacancies.
✓ This is a structured event, designed to help you find a permanent position.
Places are limited so please confirm your interest ASAP by emailing
or calling our London office on 0207 788 9441.
NQTRecruitmentDay.pdf (PDF, 316.1 KB)
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