cv gsj eng (PDF)

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Author: Geraldo

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Geraldo de Souza Junior
30 years old, Brazilian, Married
Cell Phone: 55 21 98030-5620

Address: Avenida Nossa Senhora de Fátima 73/ 407,
Bairro de Fátima, Rio de Janeiro – RJ
Skype: geraldo.souza81

Software Engineer / Developer

• Java, Java EE, Groovy on Grails
• Frameworks MVC and ORM (Hibernate, Spring MVC, JSF, Struts).
• Web Containers and Servers (Apache Tomcat, JBoss, Websphere).
• Web Development (HTML 5, JavaScript, Ajax, Jquery, DWR).
• IDE’s: Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ, Rational Application Developer.
• SOAP and Rest Web Services.
• Android Development.
• SQL Language.
• Knowledges in Oracle DB, My Sql, Postgres SQL.
Educational Background
Faculty of Technology of the State of São Paulo
Systems Analysis and Information Technology
August/2004 - August/2008
Master Degree
Military Institute of Engineering
Computer Engineering
March /2013 – May/2015
Portuguese – Native Speaker
Conversation – Advanced
Reading – Advanced
Writing – Advanced
Conversation – Basic
Reading – Intermediate
Writing - Basic

Professional Background
Infnet Institute
Tel: 55 21 2122-8800 period: April/2016 – Present

Position: Graduation Teacher

• Teaching Java Fundamentals.

BRQ It Services
Phone: 55 21 3211-9800 Period: Nov 2011 – Present Position: Java and Grails Developer
• Development of the Insurance Company Bradesco Seguros Portal. The Portal is divided in
two layers: one is responsible for retrieving data from the CICS and to expose it in web service
methods. The second layer is responsible to consume the web services in a Portlet Application.
The development was done using JSF 2 , Spring 3.5, Rational Application Developer and
Websphere 8.
• Maintence of the project Solar, for Petrobras (Brazilian Oil and Gas Company), for E&P
(Exploration and Production), responsible for the consolidation of information of several steps
of oil exploration.
• Technical Lead in the development of the application Apontamento de Perdas (Loss report),
responsible for the report of oil production losses, rendering graphically data extracted from
Solar and identifying losses using Machine Learning algorithms.

DBA Engenharia de Sistemas
Phone: 55 21 3923-2200 Period: Abr/2011 – Nov/2011

Position: Java Developer

• Development of SAD (Ancine Digital System), system used by the National Agency of Cinema
(ANCINE), using Java, JSF (Richfaces) and Hibernate. The system is responsible for the
management of economic agents (peoples and companies).

IPNET Soluções
Phone: 55 21 3553-2717 Period: Jan/2011 – Abr/2011

Position: Java Developer

• Developer of apps for Cloud Computing, using google technologies such like: GWT,
App Engine and Google Data Store.

Lint – Londrina Information Technologies
Phone: 55 43 3372-0510

Period: Mar/2010 - Dez/2010 Position: Java Developer

• Allocated in Rio de Janeiro for 10 months, for projects in Caixa Economica Federal (Brazilian

Federal Bank), integrating Java with Cobol.


2015 – Recommendations in Social Networks Based in Graph Analysis – Military
Magazine of Science and Technology – Brazil.

2016 – Recommendation System for Social Networks based on the Influence of
Actors through Graph Analysis – XVIII Claio - Latin-Iberoamerican Conference on
Operations Research – Chile.

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