Story (PDF)

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Author: Például

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Castaway series
Episode 1.
A few citizens, Ethan, Dave, Cathrine, Xian Mei, Jack, Terence, George, Escaped
from the combine oppression, Managed to get to the coast Got shipwrecked.
This is where their story begins.


Part 1

As soon as they “arrived” they knew there was no help, so they built a shelter,
Dave grabbed an axe and cut the trees, after that they replanted them, of
course, since there were not many anywhere near, two people got injured
during the shipwreck, they were taking shelter in the shack. It needed an

Part 2

They went out and got some resources. After they came back, they took out
the still usable items from the ship.
Part 3

They made upgrades , but it’s still not enough, they also found place for the rest of the
usable items, They started to run out of food, So that’s another point to worry about.

Part 4

Dave and Ethan built a boat, to go to the other island, everything was going right.
On the other part, the rest of the people set the fishing equipment up.
Part 5

They arrived to the other island, Got some resources, put them on the boat. During this, On
the original island: Xian Mei and Terence caught some fish, so they now have food, they are
just waiting for more resources.

Part 6

They wanted to go back to the original island, during the boating Dave them saw something strange,
he swam to it to check it, It was a shark, the first one died instantly, when the shark’s teeth went
through multiple organs in his body, Then the shark went for the other one, He went missing.
Part 7

The rest of the people saw it, so they made tombstones for them and paid respects, even
though, Ethan’s’ death was not confirmed, all of them believed they lost him

Part 8

Now they are over their loss, and they caught a week-enough fish, this few
days they didn’t starve.
And since they also had fire, they cooked it.
Catherine and Jack are healed now.

Part 9

Jack went into the boat, there might be some supplies,
It was risky because the ship was still in water and the rope wasn’t a 100% sure
it will hold,
But in the end he made it, he went into the boat, and didn’t come out for a
long time.
There were signs that he is still alive, like noises, and some movement inside.

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