EPK Final2 (PDF)

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Author: Tony

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Genre: R&B/PBR&B/Pop
Label: Unsigned/Independent
Hometown: Nashville, TN
Releasing first single “all i want.”

Visual releasing 10.19.16
From upcoming EP, ‘phase.’
(EP expected February 2017)

Private Stream Links:
AUDIO: all I want. (audio): LINK
VISUAL: all i want. (visual): LINK
Similar Artists/Sounds Like
-Roy Woods
-BJ The Chicago Kid
-Erykah Badu
-Lauryn Hill

Social Media
-Facebook: LINK
-YouTube: LINK
-Instagram: LINK
-Twitter: LINK
-SoundCloud: LINK
-Email: LINK
Most Popular Work
-TONYB. – 24: LINK
-Remix: Gnarls Barkley – Crazy: LINK
-Remix: Lorde – Team: LINK

HQ IMAGE (1334 x 1333)
About “all I want.” + me
Just like the cinematic opening, coming to terms with this song concept was a
slow, but beautiful process. I was in a weird place of temporary encounters and fake
friends. I had to step back and ask myself what the point was to everything I was
doing and the people I was around. You grow up and you just look for more.
As the opening to the 5-track EP (dropping in February 2017), it perfectly sets up the
rest of the project to touch on growing up and dealing with new love that’s hard to
I write everything into my music. I don’t speak out loud about what I’m actually
feeling most of the time. But you listen to my songs, my mixtapes, my albums and
you get it. You understand. People tell me that they’re inspired and connect to what
I do. That’s so wild to me, but exactly why I do what I do.

HQ IMAGE (3318 x 2212)

HQ IMAGE (3318 x 2212)

HQ IMAGE (3318 x2212)

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