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Charles L. Griswold Jr. 1991. Adam Smith:
Conscience of Capitalism. The Wilson Quarterly
15 (3): 53-‐61.
HIN 4312-‐15 Cultura Británica, Dr. Jason Kendall Moore, Universidad de Playa Ancha, Campus San Felipe, Segundo Semester 2013
The real and imagined Adam Smith. Everyone
has heard of the ScoVsh philosopher Adam
Smith and has an opinion about him, yet very
few people have read or truly understand him.
PoliXcal conservaXves in the English-‐speaking
world oZen menXon him to support their
poliXcal agenda. In the former Soviet Union,
however, his name is associated with the worst
aspect of Western civilizaXon: selfishness.
HIN 4312-‐15 Cultura Británica, Dr. Jason Kendall Moore, Universidad de Playa Ancha, Campus San Felipe, Segundo Semester 2013
HIN 4312-‐15 Cultura Británica, Dr. Jason Kendall Moore, Universidad de Playa Ancha, Campus San Felipe, Segundo Semester 2013
What do poli3cal conserva3ves believe in?
Personal economic freedom and limited
government intervenXon, usually coupled with
tradiXonal moral values. They believe that
economic freedom promotes human creaXvity,
and that society benefits from that. The
benefits of increased producXvity are believed
to eventually “trickle down” to the rest of
society. That is, the wealth generated by the
wealthy creates new opportuniXes for
everyone else.
HIN 4312-‐15 Cultura Británica, Dr. Jason Kendall Moore, Universidad de Playa Ancha, Campus San Felipe, Segundo Semester 2013
HIN 4312-‐15 Cultura Británica, Dr. Jason Kendall Moore, Universidad de Playa Ancha, Campus San Felipe, Segundo Semester 2013
What was the Soviet Union? A socialist
republic founded in 1917 based on communist
principles, that is, promoXng the good of the
whole society rather than the good of the
individual ciXzen. It collapsed in 1991, and
most Westerners think that was because the
capitalist system is infinitely superior.
HIN 4312-‐15 Cultura Británica, Dr. Jason Kendall Moore, Universidad de Playa Ancha, Campus San Felipe, Segundo Semester 2013
HIN 4312-‐15 Cultura Británica, Dr. Jason Kendall Moore, Universidad de Playa Ancha, Campus San Felipe, Segundo Semester 2013
Then versus now. Smith was a philosopher
with a background in economics. He promoted
capitalism before it had been tested on a large
scale, as it would be later in the United States.
The BriXsh system has always been more
socialisXc in nature. Today his ideas seem to
jusXfy the excesses of the U.S. model, but this
in unfair. The U.S. example came later, and it
was not theoreXcal in nature; it was a real-‐life
experiment that produced huge amounts of
HIN 4312-‐15 Cultura Británica, Dr. Jason Kendall Moore, Universidad de Playa Ancha, Campus San Felipe, Segundo Semester 2013
HIN 4312-‐15 Cultura Británica, Dr. Jason Kendall Moore, Universidad de Playa Ancha, Campus San Felipe, Segundo Semester 2013
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