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Windows & Doors

because it’s personal


Nothing says more about you, or is more
unique than your
Let Signature sign itself on your home, providing spacious flexible living whilst
increasing value and expressing your lifestyle.
If your windows are stiff with old age, your door has seen better days and your living space seems to be closing in around you,
Signature could be just what you need to transform your home into the clean, comfortable and stylish sanctuary you have been
dreaming of.
Your home should be a retreat from the world that offers you comfort and protection. By choosing the Signature range of windows,
doors and conservatories, you will achieve this balance, personally tailored to suit you. Fitting Signature windows, doors and
conservatories is, without doubt, a sound investment; adding immediate value to your property; improving appearance and
security; and increasing the efficiency of your home, in consideration of today’s evolving eco-aware society. You can trust
Signature to:

Give you the best service and quality assurance.

Work at your convenience to fit around family routines and commitments.

Improve your home using the most advanced products, methods and materials available.

Always advance in our product designs and security development, we’ll never be out dated.


Why choose


“Windows and doors that keep your little explorers
safe and secure are a must in your home.”


All you need is a
whole package!

to deliver the

We know that making the right decision is very important when it comes to
changing the aesthetics of your property. We have put together a comprehensive
list of our products and their features to guide you through your options; as well
as including some reassuring reminders of why Signature is incomparable to
other companies.
Quality Accreditations


Our guarantee

BSI-iso 9000:2000

Use of partially recycled material


PAS 23/24 doors security and weather

BSI registered

20+ year’s fabrication experience

BS 7950 security windows

Energy ratings to A +30

BS 7412 weather windows

Energy Savings Trust recommended

25 year paint guarantee on all
aluminium profile

BS 1279 part 2/3

Window scrappage scheme with

Secured by Design approved
Buy With Confidence approved
BBA approved

because it’s personal

Warm Edge Technology
‘U’ Value to 0.7W/m2K
CO2 aware

to see the full products available

10 year guarantee on all uPVC profiles
Hi tech CNC machinery ensure quality
and consistency
100% QC control
Building control registered installation
Insurance backed warranty
Signature product guarantee
10 year installation guarantee
National company backup and small
local company care


Signature – Safe & Secure

“I sleep soundly, knowing my most precious
possession in the world is well protected.”


Every mans’ home is his castle. Protect your
family without medieval measures.
When choosing new windows and doors for your home, preventing intrusion is
paramount. The advantage of new double glazed window systems is that robust
security features are built in.
With 744,000 domestic burglaries in 2008/09 in England and Wales and an estimated break-in every 37 seconds, security is not
something to be taken lightly. By fitting windows which are certified to British Standard BS7950, and ensuring doors are fitted
with a multi lock system and Secured by Design approval, you are taking positive actions in keeping intruders out!
The Signature range features:


Our locks are designed to meet the
requirements of PAS23 and PAS 24.
They are Force resistant and Licensed
by Secured by Design. And as if you
need any more peace of mind, Signature
Locks come with a 10 year guarantee.

Made from high gauge stainless steel,
resistant to corrosion and weathering
and a 4 point locking system which acts
as the ultimate burglar deterrent, you
will not feel more safe in your home.


Signature –

Your style

“Our windows emulate
the character and charm
of our home beautifully”


When it comes to style, Signature has the
flair to bring out the best in your home


To which ever era your home belongs, your new windows and doors can retain its’
periodic charm while bringing it firmly into the 21st century.
Your windows are undoubtedly one of the most important features of your home.
They invite the outdoors in, freshen and brighten up a room and frame that all
important view of your surroundings.
Not only this, but windows can severely impact on your energy costs. Our experts can
advise you on a range of bespoke designs that perform highly to keep you cool during
the stickiest of summer days, and cosy and snug during the frosty winter nights.

Agrément Certificate No 08/4584

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