January 03 (PDF)

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January 03, 2017
Mr. Donald J. Trump,
Constitutional President Of The USA.
First, please allow me to congratulate you on your brilliant and meaningful triumph, from
my side as well as from all the Republicans in El Paso, Texas.
Your dominant triumphs, throughout your personal and business life, has made us feel
very proud, without forgetting that the word "Triumph" is inherent in the Trump surname.
Through this medium, and as a US citizen living in this border area, I want to make some
considerations about the decisions and promises you have made during your election
campaign regarding the wall you want to build along our border with Mexico.
Analyzing the results of the "Secure Fence Act of 2006", we found that the targets were
not achieved, therefore, the current nearly 700 miles, which has cost our federal
government more than 30 trillion dollars to date, has not achieved its main objective. And
these billions of dollars of taxes collected from us Americans were buried in this disgusting
fence, which we Texas Republicans call a great mistake in the human and economic
aspect and from the political point of view, it was only built to respond to the demands of
the Democrats, as well as to the fear that was instilled in us the Americans people by the
events of 9/11.
But, Mr. President, crime does not only reach the United States from Mexico; You know
its origin very well, and you were never wrong; we do not need a wall bigger than the one
in Berlin or the Chinese wall, what we need are real solutions that provide current and
future benefits, not temporary, costly and useless actions that divide families and
populations. We must also not forget that the cause of wars, violence, and many other
social evils is the aggressiveness inherent in the human being.
During 2008, the current fence only limited illegal access to the USA by 18%. As of 2009
illegal migration found other ways and many other ways to cross and pass drug to the
United States, the "coyotes" will continue to carry out their productive business crossing
illegals that come from other countries in Latin America.
Building a wall along the Mexico-US border and at the expense of the Mexican people, is
a decision that would not give the results that are intended since more than 50% of those
who cross illegally are from other countries in the center and south of the American
Continent and will continue to pass through land or oceans.
With all due respect to your investiture, I invite you to reconsider this promise with your
Advisors, just as you have been analyzing and adjusting the other commitments of your
presidential campaign.

As a resident for more than 20 years in this border area I am convinced that this wall that
is intended to build will not heal this social cancer that covers the north of Mexico and the
Southern States of our Country. To do this, we need to implement effective, modern and
humanitarian actions that are in accordance with your Government Plans and goals for
the present and future benefit of our United States of America.
With this, I do not say that the 2 or 3 million criminals that are filling the states and federal
rehabilitation centers should not be deported, but it is not fair to deport them to the
Mexican border cities, a more functional solution must be created. By deporting them to
the Mexican border cities, sooner or later, they will be back into the United States and ...
we are back to the same story, doubling or tripling the public expense that would be
generated by capturing them, judging them, imprisoning them and deporting them again;
as well as saturating with criminals the border cities of both countries.
It is necessary to eliminate this social cancer from its roots; with strategies that strengthen
your plans, also for your re-election for a second term. I ask you to please allow me to
contribute to your first and second presidential periods few seeds of ideas that will
eliminate by 90% this social disease that has affected the USA forever, and no other
President before you implemented a real solution for this social cancer.
My proposals are intended to complement your plans in which no American corporation
shall migrate its production plants to Mexico or any other country. The most important
idea is that American Workers who gave you their vote, will never be unemployed within
their own country.
In addition, I can guarantee that once you approve my proposal and it is fully
implemented, illegal immigration will be significantly reduced in one year from its start
date; as well as, per your goals for government spending, no more money need to be
wasted in more walls from this point forward.
With this in mind and my best wishes for you and your family during this New Year, I hope
the inauguration of your presidency will be the opening of a great new chapter in the
history of the United States. Welcome to the White House Mr. President.
Without further ado, I respectfully request a meeting whenever your agenda allows or as
soon as possible.
Sincerely yours,

Adib C. Rouhana
5842 Diamond Point Circle
El Paso, Texas 79912

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