CallforSubmissions (PDF)

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ILJ Volume 59 Call for Print Submissions
The ​Harvard International Law Journal

is now accepting article submissions for Volume 59,
Issue 1. ​The ​ ​Journal seeks to publish innovative, original scholarship that makes a significant
contribution to the field of international law. We welcome submissions from legal scholars,
practitioners, and doctoral degree candidates on topics of private or public international law and
related fields, including interdisciplinary work. (For information about student submissions, visit
our ​website​.) Please note that we do not generally publish articles on foreign or comparative law
unless they raise and significantly engage with issues of international law.
Submissions Requirements:
While we may accept articles of up to 30,000 words, we prefer submissions of between 15,000
and 25,000 words, including footnotes. All articles should be typed in English with text
double-spaced. Manuscripts ​must ​be submitted online via ​ExpressO​. In addition to the article,
submissions should include a short abstract, a CV with a list of recent publications, and current
contact information. Footnotes should conform with The Bluebook: A Uniform System of
Citation (20th Ed.).
Submissions Process:
Articles will be reviewed on a rolling basis in February and March by a Submissions Committee
comprised of J.D. and LL.M./S.J.D candidates, and may also be reviewed by our faculty advisors
and/or scholars in our peer network. If short-listed, the article will be sent to the ILJ Executive
Board for a final decision.We endeavor to respond to authors within a month of receiving a
submission, but we are unfortunately unable to provide feedback for articles that are not selected.
Once an article has been selected, the Editors-in-Chief will contact the author with a contract and
further information on the publication process. The ILJ editorial process is a rigorous one, and
authors should expect to work closely with Journal staff on substantial substantive and technical
revisions prior to the article’s final publication.
Please contact ​​ with questions or to request an expedited

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