CFriel Obscurity (PDF)

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Chris Friel
Tel: 041414236859

The state of being indistinct or indefinite for lack of adequate illumination.
The quality of being unclear or abstruse and hard to understand.
An obscure and unimportant standing; not well known.

The world we look at is not always marked by clarity and acuity. The Latin obscurus
means 'dark', and this is where obscurity can be found. It can be rewarding to explore
these dark, 'fuzzy' areas where the meaning isn't always obvious.

The size of the images in cm:
Photograph 1: "Glasgow Cathedral in Fog" (print size 29 x 39cm not including frame)
Photograph 2: "Untitled" (print size 36 x 56cm not including frame)
Photograph 3: "Shadow; Dark" (print size 43 x 30cm not including frame)
Photograph 4: "Shadow; Light" (print size 56 x 36cm not including frame)

Photograph 1: "Glasgow Cathedral in Fog" (print size 29 x 39cm not including frame)

Photograph 2: "Untitled" (print size 36 x 56cm not including frame)

Photograph 3: "Shadow; Dark" (print size 43 x 30cm not including frame)

Photograph 4: "Shadow; Light" (print size 56 x 36cm not including frame)

Supporting images, not part of the submission:-

Photograph 5: "Selfie"

Photograph 6: "Street at Night"

Photograph 7: "Bridge"

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