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We need your help! Support Zone 2 by donating an auction item valued at a
minimum of $50. The money from the auction goes directly towards benefitting
Zone 2.
Please email the attached form to Nancy Smith ( by
5/16 or bring it with you to the Convention. Upon arriving to the convention,
bring your auction item to the registration desk by 3 p.m. Please make sure to
notate the item is for the Zone 2 (Non-Florida) auction to ensure the proceeds go
towards Zone 2.
Contact Name:__________________________________________________
*Donating Item*
Please bring item to the Convention registration desk on Thursday, May 18th by 3pm.
Make sure to notate that the item is for the Non-Florida Zone 2 Auction.
Value of donated item:______ Description of Item:________________________
Additional Information – Restrictions – Expiration Date(note that the Auction is
May 18th. Please allow minimum expiration date of certificates, tickets, etc. of
Please return auction form to Nancy Smith via email (
by 5/16 or bring it with you to the convention. Bring auction item to convention
registration desk by 3 p.m. on May 18th.
ZONE 2.pdf (PDF, 255.96 KB)
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