TCC Newsletter Spring 2017 (PDF)

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Author: Stuart Tame

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Spring 2017

In This Issue

Chairman’s Message
Junior Update
Captain’s Corner
Social Update
101 Club Update
Luxury Hamper Raffle
Sponsorship Update

© Mark Hodson

A message from the Chairman… Andrew Shiner
Welcome to the 2017 season!
We have benefitted from an exceptionally dry winter and spring which, given our location, is a massive bonus and our head
groundsman, Dave Allcoat, has got the ground in immaculate condition. As ever, we start the season full of optimism and
both 1st and 2nd eleven Saturday sides should do well in their respective leagues. The 3rd XI continues to be a nurturing
ground for our young cricketers, providing them with their first experiences of adult cricket.
The junior section continues to be extremely well supported and the teams are performing at a high level, which is very
encouraging; especially considering that it is run entirely by volunteers. The clubs’ intention is that children should have fun
playing cricket in a happy and safe environment and hopefully some of them will develop a passion for the game and go on
to play adult cricket for Tewkesbury. I would ask all parents to recognise that as a club we are doing our best with limited
resources; all coaches, coaching assistants and team managers are volunteers and give up their valuable free time to help.
The club would be able to offer more opportunities for youngsters to play in competitive matches if we had more parent
volunteers to assist, so if you are interested in helping please speak to either Gwyn Williams or myself.
I would like to thank all sponsors and fund raisers for the integral part they continue to play in assisting the club. I would also
like to welcome Katrina Perry, who has taken up an important role at the club as Child Welfare Officer. Finally, to our
overseas player for the season Ash Woodhead, from Tasmania, Australia. Please make him welcome and show him what a
great place Tewkesbury Cricket Club is to come and play!

Junior Cricket Update
by Gwyn Williams, Junior Coordinator
The indoor nets held in February/March were well
attended by junior players. We have now started outdoor
training on Friday evenings. The timings of Friday training
is as follows: U11s 5.50pm-6.50pm, U13s 6pm-7.15pm,
U15s 7pm-8.15pm. Junior training will run until Friday 4
In terms of competitive teams, we have 3 sides again this
year in the C&G leagues at Under 11, Under 13 and
Under 15. We have also entered the GCB Twenty20
competition as Tewkesbury King's. Due to the extremely
high quality of the teams in this competition (e.g. there
are District teams and Premier One teams involved) we
needed to join up with another side.

We have partnered up with King's School Worcester - we will
provide 6-7 of the side and the school will provide the
remaining players.
We have just finished running a six-hour course for
activators (the first step into coaching) attended by 15 TCC
members including 13 juniors. Without the support of these
people we would not be able to put on the range of teams
and training that we do. To close, I’d like to thank everyone
who gives up their time, voluntarily, to support Tewkesbury
junior cricket. This includes all of the coaches, coach support
workers, activators, team managers, the barbecue team,
junior scorers/umpires, bar workers and Dave, our
groundsman. If anyone would like to get involved to ensure
that junior cricket at Tewkesbury remains healthy in the
future, then please speak to me.

Social Events Update
by James Allcoat
There’s always something going on down
at TCC for both playing and social
members. During the season, you’ll
struggle to find a day where the club is
unoccupied - the bar is always open!
The club hosts themed nights every
month and all members and guests are
more than welcome to attend. The next
events are:

Onesie Night
Saturday 13th May
TCC 1st XI in their polo shirts courtesy of Westminster Project
Services Ltd © Mark Hodson

Spanish Night
June - exact date TBC

Captain’s Corner
by Tom Allcoat
There has been a promising start to 2017, with winter nets
taking place earlier than ever and numbers being fantastic
throughout. With so many making strong progress in the pre
season period, the season has been set up positively for all
three Saturday sides and the midweek team. This years’
sides will be captained by the following and will play in the
respective leagues:

There are plenty of events arranged
across the season, including quiz nights,
curry evenings, Darts tournaments and
other themed fancy dress parties, as well
as selected sports fixtures shown on the
TV in bar. Information about upcoming
events can be found on various posters in
and around the clubhouse.
Hope to see you there!

1st XI Tom Allcoat - Gloucester Division of West of England Premier League
2nd XI Brendan Low - Gloucestershire County League Division 5
3rd XI Gary Hughes - Cheltenham/Gloucester/Forest of Dean League Premier Division
Midweek XI Will New - Gloucester Evening Cricket League Division 3
If we keep up the competitive, serious and focused attitude towards training and matches, I can see
TCC having a very prosperous 2017. Best of luck to everyone who pulls on the whites this season!

A packed clubhouse during one of the many social events at TCC throughout the season © Mark Hodson

Our sponsors’ branding displayed around the boundary edge with the iconic Abbey as a backdrop © Mark Hodson

101 Club Update
by Bev Allcoat
The Tewkesbury Cricket Club 101
Club is a monthly cash prize draw,
with the intention of generating
some extra funds for TCC
developments. Every month £100
worth of prizes are paid out in
various denominations.
Over the years the profit has helped
many projects happen at TCC. This
year we have bought some new
indoor seating with the funds. The
cost of a ticket works out at 50p per
week, Yes only 50p!

Help to raise funds for your local
cricket club by Julia Whybrow
The success of the last two years’ Hamper Raffles have helped the club
raise an amazing £900. This has been achieved by members and nonmembers alike simply donating one item.
We are again appealing for assistance to organise another Luxury Hamper
Raffle by asking all club members, coaches, helpers, parents, supporters,
local businesses and members of the community to donate - any item is
greatly appreciated.
It has been decided that the main Luxury Hamper Raffle will be drawn at
the Tewkesbury Cricket Club Golf Day on Friday 21 July.
If you require any further information, please contact Julia Whybrow, or
speak to a committee member at our Swilgate ground.

A standing order from your bank
account can be easily set up and
only £2.17 per month (£26
annually). Forms are available from
me, Bev Allcoat. Approach me in
person or call me on 01684
299381 for more information.
All your fund raising helps to
maintain and upkeep our club.
Without your support developments
would be hard to achieve.
Many thanks to all of the current
101 club members for your
continued support.

The future - TCC Under 11’s

Club Sponsorship Update
by Ben Bowers
The club sponsorship initiative really took-off last year, and we have again
managed to secure some exciting local businesses to support us for the new
season. We are really keen to build strong relationships between the club
and key businesses in the local community to help the club to thrive both
now, and in the future.
Special thanks to Westminster Project Services, K Jones Construction
Specialists and FTS Merit for supplying branded clothing for club
volunteers. Other local businesses who have been kind enough to sponsor
our club:

Andrew Shiner
Gwyn Williams
Tom Allcoat
James Allcoat
Julia Whybrow
Bev Allcoat
Ben Bowers
Mark Hodson
Social Media
Brendan Low
Stuart Tame

If you would like to become a sponsor, or view our advertising and
sponsorship packages, please get in touch with Ben Bowers at



TCC’s Child Welfare Officers - Katrina Perry and Gwyn Williams
Tewkesbury CC prides itself as a child-friendly club. To support this we have two fully trained Child Welfare
Officers - Gwyn Williams and Katrina Perry (pictured). Both are available to deal with any concerns or issues
regarding the safety and well-being of youngsters at the club. Gwyn is contactable on mobile 07854 348997 and
Katrina on 07847 396366.

If you would like to contribute to the next edition of the Tewkesbury Cricket Club newsletter, please
contact Stuart Tame or Andrew Shiner.

Download TCC Newsletter - Spring 2017

TCC Newsletter - Spring 2017.pdf (PDF, 1.15 MB)

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