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10.6" Jumper Ezpad 4SE BT OTG Win 10+Android 5.1 Quad Cor...

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10.6" Jumper Ezpad 4SE BT OTG Win 10+Android 5.1 Quad Core 2G+32G Tablet PC



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Luogo in cui si trova l'oggetto: Shenzhen, Cina

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Numero oggetto eBay: 282286526529

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Ultimo aggiornamento il 17 mag 2017 08:13:53 CEST Vedi tutte le revisioni

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Does Not Apply



Operating System:

Windows 10 + Android 5.1


Without Contract

Product Line:

Ezpad 4SE


Bluetooth, Color Screen, File Browsing, Media Player, MP3
Player, Touch Screen, Web Browser

Screen Size:


Hardware Connectivity:

Bluetooth, HDMI, USB Type-C

Storage Capacity:


Internet Connectivity:



Tablet/Laptop Convertible


Does not apply

best4noone (87488

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) 98.9%

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01/01/70, 00:39

10.6" Jumper Ezpad 4SE BT OTG Win 10+Android 5.1 Quad Cor...

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10.6" Jumper Ezpad 4SE BT OTG Win 10+Android 5.1 Quad Cor...

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5.5 Inch GPD Win
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Jumper Ezpad 4SE Tablet PC Windows 10 + Android 5.1 Intel Bay-trail Z3735F Quad Core 1.33GHz 10.6''
IPS Screen 2GB RAM 32GB ROM Bluetooth 4.0 OTG 2.0MP Rear Camera
This Android/Windows device is designed to function specifically with the current Android/Windows OS
installed on it. Any alterations such as upgrades, modding with custom ROM, rooting or flashing the Android
device with other firmware will automatically cause the device experience matters as well as void the
device's warranty. Please think twice before operating all these actions.
Jumper EZpad 4SE
Win10 OS, smart processing power that adapts to what you are doing. Quad-core processor makes it easy to navigate home
screens and apps. HDMI technology integrates your other devices, so you can easily switch from your Tablet PC to your
smart TV or smartphone while working and playing.
Main Features:
Android 5.1 Lollipop OS
Allows you to remain connected and productive
32 bit Microsoft Windows 10 OS
Windows 10 brings back the popular Start Menu from Windows 7 and introduces new features, like the Edge Web browser
that lets you mark up Web pages on your screen
Intel Bay-trail Z3735F Quad Core 1.33GHz, up to 1.83GHz

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01/01/70, 00:39

10.6" Jumper Ezpad 4SE BT OTG Win 10+Android 5.1 Quad Cor...

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