CJResume2017 (PDF)

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Corey Jones - JavaScript/React/Redux Expert
703-945-4810 | c34jns@gmail.com | 23362 Evening Primrose Sq., Ashburn, VA | github.com/cjones92

I am a passionate JavaScript developer, with a certifiable obsession for modern technology and development trends. I’m still open to short-term contracts, but at this point I’d be excited to settle into a position
where I can become impactful on a long-term basis.

Professional Experience
React/Redux Expert, MartianCraft, Fully Remote — April 2017 - June 2017 (short-term contract)
- Directly interacted with the end client on a daily basis providing estimations and meetings goals.
- Designed, prototyped, architected and built clean, responsive data-centric widgets and dashboard
components using ES6, ES7, React, Redux, Reselect (for state memoization), ImmutableJS, D3 and Material-UI.
Front End Developer, AbleVets/Accenture, Chantilly, VA — September 2016 - February 2017
- Cleaned up issues related to cross browser/device compatibility, web accessibility, Java API bugs, as well
as, general Angular and SASS related bugs, so that each of the dozens of apps I helped remediate could
meet the requirements laid out by our client, the Veteran's Administration.
React/Redux Developer, TerraGo Technologies, Sterling, VA — June 2016 - September 2016 (shortterm contract)
- Using agile methodologies, I led a team of interns in identifying and creating a set of common React UI
components to be used across all of TerraGo’s modern suite of products.
- Architected the flow of state through TerraGo’s Edge product using Redux’s immutable/declarative state
manipulation patterns.
- Built components using leading edge, open source libraries such as Reselect, for increased application
performance (via memoization) and Redux-Forms, for efficient yet dynamic form-specific application
state behavior.
- Responsible for architecting flexible UI components that could be linked to both Redux Sagas and Relay/GraphQL connected backends.
Full Stack Developer, Eagle Network Solutions, Fully Remote — May 2015 - June 2016
- Built an internal job requisition tracker application using frameworks encompassing the full stack of web
development, including: React, Meteor, Node and MongoDB.

Virginia Tech, BS in Computer Science, 2016

Languages/Tooling: JavaScript, Java, C, Python, Elixir, NoSQL, Git, SASS, CSS3, HTML5
Frameworks/Libraries: React, Redux, Meteor, Node, Express, GraphQL, Apollo, Angular, Webpack 2,
NPM, ImmutableJs, D3, Reselect, Material-UI, Phoenix
Paradigms: OOP, Inheritance, Composition, Functional/Declarative Programming, MV*, MVC, SPA, REST,
GraphQL, Data Science, Facebook’s Flux Architecture, Immutability, Unit Testing, Agile Development
Programs: Atom, Virtual Studio Code, Github, JIRA, Slack, Trello, Balsamiq Mockups 3
Clearance Level: Public Trust

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