Lorna Buckle CV May2017 (PDF)

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About me

communication. Having previously studied
graphic design, layout and typography are
thoroughly considered and as a result highly
design informs my way of working on a daily
basis and consequently, I believe illustration
is a part of a larger spectrum within the
for me is never entirely split into its own
category, but is instead consistently pursued
in various formats and mediums.
I enjoy working collaboratively as well as
independently on projects, I believe having
a fun environment will undoubtedly evoke
distinguished ideas. I enjoy communicating
with others and completing tasks to the best
of my abilities, I am always willing to learn
from others.
I appreciate the kitsch in everyday life and
am frequently bold with colour and pattern
choices often with a steady focus on design.
My way of working is regarded to be of a
lighthearted approach with subtle humour,
often evoking an emotional connection to the
Having made initial concepts into a three
dimensional interactive spaces, I am
comfortable when working with objects such

as textiles, similarly I thrive with two
dimensional media.

Graphic Designer
Majisign, Bury St. Edmunds
October 2015 - Present
Graphic Design intern
Spring Agency, Southwold
September 2015
Assisting the senior graphic designer with
live projects for clients.
Design/Illustration intern
Lush, Poole
Designing and illustrating patterns for the
global 2015 Christmas gift range.
Lush Spa, Kingston
In store visual merchandiser and sales
assistant, Often greeting and taking bookings
for spa clients.
‘Stix’ Festival co-organiser and assistant to
illustrator Joel Millerchip
Working with a team of young people to
coordinate a festival consisting of live music
and interactive workshops.

Voluntary animal care assistant
Freelance Designer, 2012-present

Adobe Creative Suite (InDesign, Illustrator,
Photoshop), Premier Pro, Basic Flash,
Photography, Print, Drawing, Painting,
Textiles, Sewing, Story boarding, Idea
generation, Concepts, Creative collaboration,
Team work, Social media, Communication,
Artworking, large format printing and

Tidy, Southwark, 2015
Pilot, Hoxton Gallery, 2012

BA (Hons) Illustration and Animation:
Upper Second Class
Kingston University
Foundation diploma in Art and Design:
Distinction award
Vocational SLR Photography: Merit award
A Levels: Art A*, Media Studies A*, English
Language C
GCSE’s: All A-C grades (including English
and Maths)
Thurston Community College

+44 (0) 775 727 6293
References available upon request.

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