Sonya Strong Resume2.1 (PDF)

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404 Solano Dr. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 | H: 505-271-3020 | C: 575-760-9513 |

Educational Diagnostician and Special Education Teacher versed in working with all learning
styles with a focus on developing effective plans that meet the unique needs of each
student. Conduct formal assessments with students from preschool to twelfth grade to determine
eligibility criteria for special education services. Provide interpretation of testing results to students,
parents, teachers, and related service providers regarding the disability determination and
educational impact. Recommend interventions and accommodations for classroom teachers to
utilize when teaching students with disabilities

In-depth knowledge of
diagnosing specific learning
In-depth knowledge of working
with medical professionals in
diagnosing students with ADHD
In-depth knowledge of
diagnosing intellectual

Effective leader and team player
in creating individualized plans for
students with special needs
Well versed in the use of
software programs utilized for
report writing with effective
report writing skills
In-depth knowledge and
communication skills regarding
interpretation of formal
assessment results
Special Education Teaching
License K-12
Masters degree in Educational
Licensed in Education

Taught over 100 students with special needs in grades K through 12th for
9 years.
Conducted hundreds of formal evaluations to determine special
education eligibility for students in grades PreK - 12th
Assisted in developing transition plans for students with disabilities as
they exit out of public education and move into post-secondary settings

07/2014 to Current

08/2010 to 06/2014

08/2003 to 06/2014

Educational Diagnostician
Albuquerque Public Schools - Albuquerque, N M
Conduct formal assessments with students from preschool to twelfth
grade to determine eligibility criteria for special education services.
Provide interpretation of testing results to students, parents, teachers,
and related service providers regarding the disability determination and
educational impact.
Recommend interventions and accommodations for classroom teachers
to utilize when teaching students with disabilities.
Adjunct Instructor
Eastern New Mexico University - Portales , N M
Teach Graduate level Counseling Assessment course through an on-line
Educational Diagnostician
Portales Municipal School District - Portales, N M
Conduct formal assessments with students from preschool to twelfth
grade to determine eligibility criteria for special education services.
Provide interpretation of testing results to students, parents, teachers,
and related service providers regarding the disability determination and
educational impact.
Recommend interventions and accommodations for classroom teachers
to utilize when teaching students with disabilities.

08/1992 to 05/2003

Lead Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meetings which results in a
legally compliant IEP document that is appropriate to meet the needs of
the student with a disability.
Special Education Teacher
Portales Municipal School District - Portales , N M
Teach special education in grades kindergarten through third; Middle
School and High School; including Gifted and Talented programs.

May 2003
May 1991

Educational Diagnostician
Texas Tech University - Lubbock , Tx, USA
Bachelor of Arts: English
University of New Mexico - Albuquerque, N M, USA

Yvette Montoya, Instructional Manager Northeast Diagnostic Center Albuquerque Public Schools 505-271-3020
Penny Sanders, Ed.D., LPC, NCC Adams State University W) 719-587-8376
Teresa Warnica, Special Education Director (retired) Portales Municipal School
District 575-356-8286

Effective leader and team player in developing plans for students
Interpretation of formal testing results with educators and parents
Effective report writer using up to date report writing software
Compassionate and caring
Enthusiastic people person
Advanced problem-solving skills
Great organizational skills
Effective time manager

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