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ICE NETWORK is above all a community where people evolve together and we
have to agree to have an enjoyable game experience and to respect a few
notions, whether on Discord, on the forum or in the game. We ask you to remain
courteous at all times. Getting angry or being rude does not lead to anything! It
is strictly forbidden to make racist, xenophobic, offensive remarks for a group or
a community, to speak of criminal acts (in particular piracy, hack, etc ...), and in
general contrary to the laws in force in Canada or U.S. Personal insults and
attacks against a player or a group of players will also be punished. Any
defamatory statement will also be punished (This principle must be taken into
account in case of suspicion of "grief"). If you have a question (either to a team
member or a player) about the chat or about discord, be sure to ask it only once,
clearly, avoiding spelling mistakes, Without aggressiveness or nervousness. Tell
yourself that flooding the cheat when you have not had a clear answer can be
sanctioned. If you ask a question to an administrator and he answers you, do
not ask another administrator the same question in hopes of having a favorable
answer or what you hope to hear. The administrators are talking about it and
sanctions will be taken against you.

Concerning all written communication, pay attention to your misspellings. In the
game, we suggest you search your text, you are in the heat of the action, more
on the forum, where you have time to think, re-read and edit, it is Pay attention
to this. For those who do not know, writing capital letters on the net is equated
with a cry. No need to shout here, we will send your attention to the fact that we

do not like everything that will suit you of the sort on the cat in the game. In what
attract your skins pay attention to what you choose. You are free to do what you
please provided you do not have a shocking or insulting appearance. If you
persist in wanting to wear a skin of nudist or dotted with swastikas for example,
you will receive a price accordingly. Moderators do not teleport players! If you
have a worry, use the spawn, suicide or your homes. Respect is on Discord.
When you enter a channel wait until no one speaks before speaking. Greet
others on your arrival and goodbye! You are always interested! We ask you to
have the same nickname as the one in-game, so that it is easier to locate you.
Other has chosen, you are asked not to use the software or any other way to
modify your voice. Stay Natural! Thank you for paying attention to all this and
good game!

The sales or purchases on the game chat are now forbidden. Such activities
pollute the cat's vision and fostered a totally unreasonable price war. A fine of
250$(ingame) will be required following this activity. A denunciation justified by
an admin or modo, you will deserve 250$ !!! If the guilty party can not pay, he
will be sentenced to 3 consecutive hours(in MiMi’s jail :P lucky you)

The server is equipped with anti-cheat! If it is not the server console that bans
you,you will be a modo or admins. Whether Xray, Flyhack, Night Vision,
Speedhack or any other hacks you will be banned from the server. Using a
program or any other system to keep connected constantly (anti-afk) is
considered a cheat.

The grievance is prohibited in the main zone(hub). Sanctions are made if you are
guilty of grief. Entering illegally (ex: / jump) into a house whose access is locked
is considered grief and punished. Theft: Theft is strictly forbidden in the main
area. If it's not yours, do not touch it! Respect: Respect for other players is the
basis of a good player community. Everyone must treat others with the utmost
respect in order to promote a pleasant play experience for everyone. Do not do
it to other people you want them to do you. For example: building too close to
another player's pitch, buying all the land around his pitch, making an
unnecessary construction and damaging the beauty of the landscape. It is
forbidden to harass players. If a person complains of harassment you will be
penalized. If you are a player of your application, you are able to leave.

It is permissible to kill other players in PVP worlds or at organized events.
Warning: Area where everything is allowed, theft, Grief, traps and murder ... no
rule is total anarchy! Be aware that if you enter this area, it is at your own risk,
you risk losing everything! When you kill your opponent, you may be lucky to get
your head back as a trophy.


The following is a list of offenses, which serve as a reference for the application
of sanctions. This concerns all non-tolerated behaviors. Reminder: Grief =>
Action aimed at harming others or destroying the environment. This also
includes the destruction of infrastructure, the laying of lava and water in
inappropriate places, the ravages to the landscape (inhaled mountains, ravaged
beaches, flying trees, illegal constructions).

Level 1

15 minutes in prison Use of Abusive Caps or Flood (in-game,discord, forum).
Repetitive private message for various reasons.

Level 2

45 minutes in prison. Excessive repetition of behavior sanctioned by a sanction
Level 1. Bad behavior in-game, on discordor forum for which a final ban would
be too strong.

Level 3

3 hours in prison. Recidivism of behavior sanctioned by sanction Level 2. Illegal

Level 4

5 hours in prison. Recurrence of a behavior sanctioned by a sanction Level 3.
Implementation of automated or semi-automated systems authorized at the
base but in too great a quantity that can cause the server's lag (eg a gigantic
automated farm) Be caught with an anti AFK Or other anti-afk system. Make
farms or break rules. Attempted murder (posing deadly trap outside the pvp

Level 5

8 hours in prison Recurrence of a behavior sanctioned by a level 4.
Implementation of automated or semi-automated systems prohibited (machine
obsidian facilities around mob spawners, mob towers). Recurrence of farm
productions or illegal thing. Exploitation of bug for which there was some
advantage or enrichment of the player.

Level 6


12 hours in prison Recidivism of sanctioned behavior Level 5. Theft or grievance
within a protected area. (Disagreement with colocation etc.) A project started or
finished without having received authorization can be placed in this category of
misdeeds since it is often a grievance landscape

Level 7

BAN for Life Recurrence of sanctioned behavior Level 6. Cheat attempts, hack,
account theft. Advertisement for another server. Unacceptable behavior towards
mods and admins. At the discretion of the directors, sanctions may be imposed
for: insults, heavy behavior, any other act that is not described here but which
could be sanctioned.

Rest assured that if you have a bad behavior in prison, an extension of time will
be added to you. A demotion of rank and / or a seizure of resources may also be
considered instead of a prison sentence or in addition to that penalty depending
on the case left to the sole judgment of the directors. In all the cases mentioned
above, the directors are the sole judges of the sanction to be applied according
to the case and may be led to position a misdemeanor on a superior sanction as
the case may be.

Note for players who have been grieved or stolen: No resources will be refunded
or reimbursed by the administration. It is your duty to secure your resources or
constructions. In case of theft on a safe, you are asked not to touch the safe
again. Without it, it will be very difficult to confuse the thief. Loss of resources or
objects etc.

In case of loss of resources or objects linked to either a bug or a crash of the
server: the resources will not be rendered either. We have no way of knowing if
such a bug or crash has caused you to lose resources and in no case will the
administration be held responsible. We do not guarantee bugs and it is totally
out of our control.

Expulsion of inactive players In case of prolonged absence, it is your duty to
inform us on the forum of its inactivity and duration! If after one month, except in
case of notice, the player has not given a sign of life, his ground will be reallocated.




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