Politicians (PDF)

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Title: Politicians

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To the Residents of the United States of America.
Witness how many Republicans fight
harder and dirtier because their fight is for
power and their party over OUR country,
the United States of America. Their
behavior is laser-focused, like protecting
some exclusive, superior sect consisting
only of themselves.
The problem with discipling politicians who violate our laws is that
the law must be followed in order to do so.
These politicians know this, and they protect each other through further
abuses of their powers. This makes their crimes even more dangerous.
Their reach, their violations, grow bolder. They have cost people here
their lives and their health. You may know some of them. They waste
OUR money and make enemies of terrific people around the world because
of their differences, not ours.
We the people of the United States of America need to #RESIST the
belief that POLITICIANS BREAKING THE LAW is normal, acceptable
and an insurmountable challenge.
YOU, WE, ALL OF US must work within the law to destroy this practice
and make accountability, arrests and convictions of guilty politicians
America isn’t indestructible. We see its beauty, inclusiveness and freedoms
crumble every day from these politicians, the enemies within. Those
politicians who swore to protect the Untied States but thought WE were too
stupid, naive, apathetic or disorganized to fight back.
For those guilty of crimes while in office, WE need to prove them
wrong, get them out of office and prosecute them.
This is not the next generation’s job to do.
This is OUR job to do. Today. NOW.
We proved we can #Resist.
Now we must affect positive change and accountability
FOR the next generation. This will not stop unless we do.

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