2017 10 Newsletter (PDF)

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Author: Tobias

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October 17

Empowering the poor to a spiritual and physical wholeness
I must apologize firstly for the extended period between newsletters, life
has been a little busy over the last few weeks.
Over the past few weeks it has been great to have Kelley Chisholm here
from Perth WA, recording some wonderful stories of the work we do here
in Rwanda. Here is one story, but please go and see more on the
Facebook pages.
Meet Henrietta...she's 23, feisty and far too responsible. But that's an essential
quality when you're 17 and your surviving parent dies. Leaving you to care for
yourself and your 19 year old sister with a disability. She's resilient. She's adaptable.
Before her mum died, she joined her working in the fields then buying and selling
fruits and vegetables at the market. As the poorest of the poor, she received trade
skills training to be a hairdresser. No, that wasn't for her. But in the course, she
learned entrepreneurship. So, she joined a Self Help Group, and took a loan to
complete a tailoring course and buy a sewing machine. She was on her way. Now
the sewing profits have built her a home. She loves it. It's hers. It's safe. It's
permanent. She dreams of renting a shop in the town and growing her business.
There are so many opportunities and she smiles happily at her future, "When my
mum died, I could not think what would happen to me. I was thinking I could not go
together with other people. I was asking God, ‘Can my life get better?’ Then I joined
with a group. Working together with others. This is what makes the difference. My
life has changed from a bad life to where I am today. Now I am more than happy. I
have no words."

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Talk to us
WhatsApp +610434965151 (Toby)
WhatsApp +250781921905 (Esme)

Praise Points
The new house
• Esme has had safe travels
so far
• The boys are going ok
without mum
• Esme was able to travel to

Prayer Points

As many of you know that over the last few weeks Esme has been
in Tasmania, visiting family and attending the funeral of her Nan, who
passed away a few days after she arrived. This has been a very sad and
emotion time for Esme as she has had to say good bye to her Nan.
Please keep her in your thoughts as she spends the last few days in
Tasmania before flying home next week.
Toby and the boys have survived to the most part this time without Esme,
but are desperately counting down the days till she come home!!!
The other big news is that just before Esme left we moved into our new
house, which is cheaper and closer to were we need to be, which has
been a real blessing. Sadly it has cost a lot more money than we have to
get the house liveable (still no hot water or oven) or a kitchen table and
chairs and many other things, so please pray that we can secure some
money to get the things we need.
Please can you consider helping us with our finances, they have taken a
HUGE hit with moving into the house, and with no consulting work for
Toby at the moment we are running extremely low, think single dollars
left. I know that missionaries seemed to be always talking about money,
but right now we are critically in need of financial support. We are
looking for new regular supporters so please can you consider if you can
join our team!

Esme to travel home safely
We get the required bits for
our house
AEE is changing lives and
we feel privileged to be part
of the transformations that
are happening

God bless & love to chat!!!!
Toby, Esme,
Raphael & Zebadiah

Sorry for the shortness of the newsletter, I (Toby) am a little busy without

How are we going?

(red is bad, green is good, in between well somewhere between good and bad)

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