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22nd-26th Feb 2018
Information Brochure
Welcome to AYLTLC 2018
Distinguished Participants & Advisors,
We would like to extend our warmest welcome and invite you to be part of this
annual gathering of student leaders around the world. It is our privilege to be
hosting the Asian Youth Leaders Travel and Learning Camp (AYLTLC) 2018 for
the 7th time here in Singapore.
AYLTLC aims to bring student leaders worldwide, through engaging activities,
to enhance their abilities in cross-cultural interaction and cooperation, which
will further equip them to be effective leaders. In addition, participants will be
able to understand more about Singapore - a multiracial, multilingual and
multicultural society from various perspectives. Nevertheless, what they will
learn here may not only be unique to Singapore, but also applicable to their
home countries as well as the increasingly interconnected and interdependent
We always remind ourselves that we are hosting a camp with the brightest
student talents who are indeed the leaders of tomorrow.
Once again, we look forward to meeting you at AYLTLC 2018!
Yours Sincerely,
Organizing Committee of Asian Youth Leaders Travel and Learning Camp 2018
About Singapore
Situated at the south of Malay Peninsula, shrouded by tropical
sunshine, Singapore has been described as “Asian Economic
Miracle”, a thriving cosmopolitan city brimming with racial
diversity as well as a fine mixture of culture, language, arts, and
Singapore rose to prominence largely due to her strategic
position as a trading port, a stable government and its probusiness policies and institutions, which is of paramount
importance for Multi-National Companies (MNC) to gain
confidence to invest in. Through the years after independence,
the nation has developed its economic prowess and gains much
respect in terms of international standing.
Educational quality and a diverse culture has always been
Singapore’s pride. Singapore witnessed clashes and integrations
of various cultures and has since cultivated a unique cultural
meting pot. While continuing to act as the regional center,
embracing the diversity while maintaining her uniqueness,
Singapore is building the reputation as a home for all.
Day 1 (22nd Feb)
Day 4 (25th Feb)
Day 2 (23rd Feb)
Day 5 (26th Feb)
Check-in & Registration
Ice Breaking Session
Opening Ceremony
Learning Session 1
Learning Session 2
Learning Session 3
Travel Session 1
Day 3 (24th Feb)
Travel Session 2
Travel Session 3
Travel Session 4
Travel Session 5
Learning Session 4
Discussion Session
Presentation Session
Closing Ceremony
Awards Presentation
Farewell & Group Photos
AYLTLC 2018 Brochure.pdf (PDF, 1.72 MB)
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