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Use Case Name: Update Status/Communicate with colleagues
Priority: Low
Actor: Registered Users
Description: Allow the registered user to update their personal profile with content of their choosing that
has been approved through the administrator. Registered user will be able to communicate with other
registered users via email, messenger or directly on users profile.
Type: ☒ External Temporal
• Access to Internet.
• User must be affiliated with the MIS Department at SDSU.
• Registered User
• Active Profile
Normal Course:
1. Register for Info Share Site, if not already registered
2. Log into Account
3. Create Profile, if not already created
4. Click on Update Status button, proceed to update user status
5. Click on communicate button
6. Search for user to communicate with and choose their profile
7. Choose how you want to communicate; email, messenger or directly on other users profile
8. Write message
9. Send message
10. Log out of account
Alternative Course:
• Communicate with colleagues through normal email.
Post Conditions:
UseCaseTemplate.pdf (PDF, 385.53 KB)
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