follow up report on Chinese speaking corp in Goons (PDF)

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Follow up report on a new Ascee like Chinese speaking corporation in Goons, and
future plans
New Eden Three-body Organization

Corporation current status

Since Mittani gave me the greenlight to head a Chinese corporation within gsf, we
have grow steadily since inception.
The corporation's directorate structure was completely modelled after gsf's. Delegate
and decentralize power to a group of directors.
We have a month long 'getting used to' period for new members, one down side of
this growth is new members dilute down our average pap per member, older members
are trying their best to pull their weight.

The experiment
Quick estimate puts gsf to about 2.3k Chinese players at of now, fraternity is at
4.7k(they don't kick inactives, in reality more like 3k). In this fight
(,482,483,479,481&b=7918150&e=210&t=brfbfe) you
can see 117 FRTs in main doctrine ships(tempests) in eu timezone(18:00 evetime),
extrapolating from this data, gsf should at least see 50+ Chinese players in main
doctrine ships in eu timezone, in reality only 4 managed to attend the Keepstar hype
To fully utilize the +8 timezone (early rus tz or late west us tz) Chinese players would
potentially bring to gsf. I think it is quite clear that the best way would be a separate
Chinese fleet along side an alliance fleet, with a bilingual coordinator in-between. gsf
is only benefiting from less than 5% of what Chinese players currently in alliance is
capable of. I see plenty of newly joined Chinese players rat with carriers but join
fleets with maulus. Language barrier is the main reason and time zone difference is a
lesser one.
I would like premissions to experiment using Chinese corporations in gsf
independently, like a sig but not really a sig. First step would be a corporation wide
deployment to Fade and PB aiming to harass P.horde ratting/mining, we then check
the result in one month.
Here are my list of reasons supporting this experiment:

1. practice of helping alliance strategically rather than bringing maulus to
mainfleets for the sake of earning pap
2. Chinese members gets fun and learn fleet pvp with a Chinese speaking fc,
helps recruiting
3. train coordinators. Black Ops is also deployed in Fade+PB, we can collaborate
with them. e.g. we can call them in for fire support if we tackle a carrier
4. train our own Chinese fcs and promoting loyalty towards gsf
5. shut down the horde isk making activities in +8 timezone
6. overall training for everyone, even alliance FCs, on how best to integrate our
Chinese players for a full timezone coverage.

Detailed proposal
Only my corporation would be involved for this testing phase. See how and if it work
before bringing other interested Chinese corporations in.
Black Ops shipping service and/or Imperial Transcontinental Logistics
Small/fast alliance doctrines, Claw, bombers, and jackdaws
Time length:
Give or take one month for testing the waters
Strategic. For best results, everyone would be deployed up north, the corporation
would inevitably fail Atrum's monthly Participation Metrics.
number of paps and isk destroyed. To account the deployment is successful, we
should see at least 3 times pap obtained during deployment compared against a
similar sized Chinese corporation in gsf, and we should have 50% isk destroyed when
compared to Black Ops sig.

Expected outcome
Next step would be bringing more interested Chinese corporations in gsf on board, I
don't think this should evolve to a sig, but instead a 'corporations jabber group'. For
example, a ping would be sent to all participating corporations.
Hopefully this will not only encourage Chinese players in participating in their own
timezones, but also respond much more positively in numbers in our next hype timer.

Why not just use Dragon Fleet sig?
1. PLA's dragon fleet is Silvitni's personal crusade against OSY/FRT, his
personal vendetta. I was hoping simply developing loyalties for gsf and better
Chinese players' strategic fleet participation numbers, not helping dragon
fleet's tea party.
2. Dragon fleet was created quite sometimes ago, it's 2 year old? If Silvitni had
the idea of 'deploying according to alliance strategic objective' he would have
done it ages ago, he's been in gsf for a much longer time than us.

3. Just few days ago, Silvitni is 'reviving' the Dragon fleet sig, clear as day he is
hoping that he can lead all Chinese corps in gsf and create a war between PLA
aligned Chinese corps and OSY align corps. I highly doubt Silvitni will
succeed, but if he did, this schism (goons) between pla and OSY will prevent
us recruiting Chinese players in OSY to our side. gsf's best interest would be
having most if not all Chinese players to join us in the future.
4. He pretty much fucked with most of current Chinese corps in gsf before they
joined, few corporations are likely going to play ball, unless mittani says: now
Silvitni is our Chinese director.
Why not bring other corporations on board immediately?
1. I am not sure if it even works, there definitely going to be few things we are
going to learn by experience. Leaving things simple at the start is easier on me.
2. Hard to direct other corporation members, have to relay commands etc via
CEOs/directors. Again leaving things simple for this test run.
3. Chinese CEOs have massive ego and bring drama/politics. This test run should
be free of these.
Why do you need Strategic?
1. I foresee this project to become gsf's strategic arms, alliance tell the +8 players
to deploy according to the grand scheme of things. Just like the old Reavers,
all fleets will have strategic goals in disrupting enemy's game play or be a
threat if enemy set their timers to +8 tz
2. Everyone would be deployed and not joining main fleets (timezone/language
barriers are already there), the (participating) corporations would inevitably
fail Atrum's monthly Participation Metrics.
I am fine and you? did pretty good and they were a Korean corp
I am fine and you? had lots of non-Koreans due to their low tax rate, these were their
main strat fleet participation contributors. Look at Country house-a mixed
Chinese/western corporation, top 5 pap holders are all non-Chinese.

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