Feb04 (PDF)

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be part of a small group Bible study
Contact the church office for more information
1st & 3rd
1st & 3rd


8:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
10:45 am
7:30 pm
1:00 pm
7:30 pm
7:00 pm
8:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
3:00 pm
2:30 pm

| Adults | Fanling – Stephen and Joyce Ting
| Young Professionals | KIBC basement – Jacob Baloch

| Adults | KIBC basement – Christina Fung
| Adult Women | KIBC basement – Winnie Liu/Carole Tanner
| Adults (bilingual) | KIBC basement – Peter Lai
| Adult Women (Cantonese) | KIBC basement – Maggie Chang
| Adults | Kowloon Tong – Matt and Alice Kingman
| Married couples | Shatin/Ma On Shan – Andy Chiu/Ada Wong  
| Putonghua | KIBC basement – Siu Chun Ling
| Married couples | KIBC basement – Beverly DeVera
| Adults | KIBC basement – Christina Fung
| Married couples | Tai Wai – Howard Leung
| Adults | KIBC Library – Wan Hak Ki

other ways to give 

tithes & offerings
Visit www.hkkibc.org and click on the “Giving” button.
Set up a “Standing Instruction” to regularly transfer
money from your bank account to KIBC bank account.
Inform the church office.
THROUGH FOHKC (for US tax-exemption)
Friends of Hong Kong Charities, Inc. can receive funds or
checks in HK dollars and or US dollars on behalf of KIBC.

church app
Do you have the KIBC app yet?
Stay connected and current on
upcoming events, view Sunday
bulletins and sermon notes, check
the church calendar, watch past
sermons, give offerings online, read
the Bible, listen to worship music
using Spotify, and more! This free
app is available in all app stores –
search for “KIBC app.”

welcome to
welcome to all!
We are delighted that each of you has
chosen to join us for worship today. If
you are a guest, we hope you will feel
especially welcome. Please fill out our
WELCOME CARD and drop it in the
offering bag.


Feb 4 & 11 Sale of Red Packets (while stock lasts)
Feb 25
Church Conference | 11:50 am @KIBC basement
Everyday Evangelism training course | 2:30 pm @KIBC basement
Apr 2
Easter party | YMCA Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village


4 FEB 2018

upcoming events

MINISTERIAL STAFF Senior Pastor DR. BUTCH TANNER btanner@hkkibc.org 

• Minister of Music ANGIE FRENCH angie@hkkibc.org • Minister of Families and Children
PATRICK HO patrick@hkkibc.org OFFICE STAFF GLADYS WONG office@hkkibc.org •
LILIAN LEE llee@hkkibc.org • MAGGIE CHANG maggiec@hkkibc.org KINDERGARTEN
Principal LOLA LOUIE lola.louie@kbck.org
300 Junction Road, Kowloon Tong T 2337 2555 E office@hkkibc.org W hkkibc.org


YouTube KIBC Kowloon International Baptist Church


9:15 am

10:45 am / 12:15 pm

As We Pray
Glorious Day
Lord, I Need You

Hymn 3: Worthy of Worship /



                There is None Like You

Liane Lee

Pastor Butch Tanner

attention families
easter party


Hymn 329: Grace Greater Than Our Sin /

Sovereign (Praise Team)

                    Amazing Grace

The 2018 Easter Party will be held at
YMCA Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village on
Monday, April 2. Designed for families
with kids. Registration will be on
Sundays, Feb 25, March 4 & 11. Cost is
$50 per person. We will have a worship
time, gospel presentation, family activities
and an egg hunt. Mark your calendar!


Design Your Future 

Isaiah 32:8

– Pastor Butch Tanner

KIBC Red Packets are available for
purchase TODAY and next Sunday, Feb 11.
Visit the booth outside after the 1st or 2nd
worship service. All proceeds from the
sales will go toward the KIBC building
fund. Limited stock available.

Timothy Tipoe (10:45 am & 12:15 pm)

Holy Spirit

chinese new year

red packets

Christie Lee (10:45 am)
Bing Wang (12:15 pm)


Design Your Future 

Isaiah 32:8

– Pastor Butch Tanner

about the

Lord’s Supper
We invite all baptized believers of
Jesus Christ to take part when KIBC
observes the Lord’s Supper. By eating
the bread and drinking the cup with us

• acknowledge that you are a sinner saved
by the grace of our Lord Jesus

• state that you trust in Jesus Christ alone
for your salvation

• devote yourself to following Jesus Christ
as the Lord of your life

If you are not a follower of Jesus Christ, we
invite you to use this time to be quiet before
God. As you consider His message of grace
and forgiveness, we pray that you will desire
to know more about Jesus. If you want to
know how to become a follower of Jesus
Christ, please speak to our pastor or one
of our ministers or deacons. We will gladly
share with you about Jesus and answer your
questions. Thank you for sharing this time
with us today.

Proverbs 3:5-6


Glorious Day

Hymn 146: Oh, How He Loves You and Me

evangelism training

附设普通话即时传译 Simultaneous
Interpretation in Mandarin by Ben Leung

Proverbs 3:5-6  (AMP)
5Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the
Lord with all your heart and mind and do not
rely on your own insight or understanding. 

An Everyday Evangelism training course
will be taught by Brent Merrifield at KIBC
on Sunday afternoons, 2:30 - 4 pm,
beginning February 25 (lasting about 8
weeks). For details or to sign up, contact
Brent 9673-7147.

6 In

we need you!
We need more USHERS for all three
Sunday services. If you’re interested in
volunteering, please contact Angie
(angie@hkkibc.org or 2337-2555) to learn
more about this ministry.

all your ways know, recognize, and
acknowledge Him, and He will direct and
make straight and plain your paths.
Chorus: There is None Like You

設有廣東話即時傳譯 (只在上午10時45分的祟拜內
設有) Simultaneous Interpretation in Cantonese
(10:45 am service only) by Belinda Kwok

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