Feb18 (PDF)

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kibc kids

i’m a christian now!
The Children's Sunday School will be launching a
new class in Spring 2018 entitled “I am a Christian
Now!” This is an eight week class designed to
teach kids what it means to be a Christian and
follow Jesus. For this quarter, the class will be
targeted for older kids born from 2005-2009.
Sign up is required and space is limited. For more
information, please email patrick@hkkibc.org  

other ways to give 

tithes & offerings
Visit www.hkkibc.org and click on the “Giving”
Set up a “Standing Instruction” to regularly transfer
money from your bank account to KIBC bank
account. Inform the church office.
THROUGH FOHKC (for US tax-exemption)
Friends of Hong Kong Charities, Inc. can receive
funds or checks in HK dollars and or US dollars on
behalf of KIBC.

ministry grid

new! online
Ministry grid is a self-paced
online training center. The
content offers training for
teachers and leaders in all areas
of the church. Whether you are
teaching a Bible study, chairing
a committee, or participating in
the music program, there is
something here for you to learn.
Those in leadership here at
KIBC, or any desiring to learn
how to lead in an area, can gain
access to the ministry grid
training center by requesting a
code from the church office.
The church will cover the cost of
your training. Ministry Grid will
be launched after March 4.
Email KIBC at
training@hkkibc.org and begin
learning more today!

welcome to
welcome to all!
We are delighted that each of you has
chosen to join us for worship today. If
you are a guest, we hope you will feel
especially welcome. Please fill out our
WELCOME CARD and drop it in the
offering bag.


Feb 25 Church Conference | 11:50 am @KIBC basement
Everyday Evangelism training course | 2:30 pm @KIBC basement
Mar 4 Ministry Grid Launch Day // Vacation Bible School Preview
Mar 11 Teen parents meeting | 1:30 pm @KIBC Basement B3-4
Apr 2 Easter party | YMCA Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village


18 FEB 2018

upcoming events

MINISTERIAL STAFF Senior Pastor DR. BUTCH TANNER btanner@hkkibc.org 

• Minister of Music ANGIE FRENCH angie@hkkibc.org • Minister of Families and Children
PATRICK HO patrick@hkkibc.org OFFICE STAFF GLADYS WONG office@hkkibc.org •
LILIAN LEE llee@hkkibc.org • MAGGIE CHANG maggiec@hkkibc.org KINDERGARTEN
Principal LOLA LOUIE lola.louie@kbck.org
300 Junction Road, Kowloon Tong T 2337 2555 E office@hkkibc.org W hkkibc.org


YouTube KIBC Kowloon International Baptist Church


pastor’s note
As a Christian, you are blessed with the
partnership of Christ in your life.
Rely on His wisdom and leadership as
you set out to live your BEST YEAR EVER:

Make Jesus your focus
Remember, your past is forgiven
Develop God-honoring goals
List the benefits that motivate you
Take action on your goals

– Pastor Butch

9:15 am

10:45 am / 12:15 pm

Marvelous Light
Blessed Be Your Name
I Will Follow

Hymn 14: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Hymn 227: Praise Him! Praise Him!
Great is Thy Faithfulness (Adult Choir)


Taking Action on God’s Goals 

for My Life

Proverbs 14:15

– Pastor Butch Tanner

Dhan Kumari Rai
Angie French

Hymn 282: Living for Jesus

Colossians 3:17

The 2018 Easter Party will be held at
YMCA Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village on
Monday, April 2. Designed for families
with kids. Registration will be on
Sundays, Feb 25, Mar 4 & 11. Cost is $50
per person. We will have a worship time,
gospel presentation, family activities and
an egg hunt. Mark your calendar!

teen parent meeting
If you are a parent of a teenager, please
join Pastor Butch for an informational
meeting regarding summertime plans.
Sunday, Mar 11 @ 1:30 pm – KIBC
Basement B3-4

Blessed Be Your Name
附设普通话即时传译 Simultaneous Interpretation
in Mandarin by Ben Leung

Allan Liu (10:45 am)
Connie Lung (12:15 pm)
Boaz Nit
Colossians 3:17
Hymn 215: Majesty

vacation bible school
volunteers wanted
A special Vacation Bible School preview
meeting will be held on Mar 4. You may
choose to attend either the 12:15 pm or
2:30 pm meeting. This is designed for
anyone who would like to help as a
volunteer in VBS. Come find out about
the theme for VBS 2018! We have a
place for you to serve!

An Everyday Evangelism training course
will be taught by Brent Merrifield at KIBC
on Sunday afternoons, 2:30 - 4 pm,
beginning Feb 25 (lasting about 8 weeks).
For details or to sign up, contact Brent

Hymn: God Is Here
Hymn: Another Year is Dawning
Hymn 71: On Eagle’s Wings

Taking Action on God’s Goals 

for My Life

Proverbs 14:15

– Pastor Butch Tanner


family easter party

Pastor Butch Tanner

evangelism training

設有廣東話即時傳譯 (只在上午10時45分的祟拜內
設有) Simultaneous Interpretation in Cantonese
(10:45 am service only) by Terry Cheung

mark your

VBS |Jul 23-27

Children (Ages 5 - 12)

men’s bible study
A new monthly study of the Old
Testament book Esther begins following
Chinese New Year.
Wednesday, Feb 28 @ 7:30 pm
Contact Wilfred Leung 9056-4160 for
additional information.

find us on
Scan this QR code to take you directly to
the KIBC facebook page and follow us!

pastor’s note
As a Christian, you are blessed with the
partnership of Christ in your life.
Rely on His wisdom and leadership as
you set out to live your BEST YEAR EVER:

Make Jesus your focus
Remember, your past is forgiven
Develop God-honoring goals
List the benefits that motivate you
Take action on your goals

– Pastor Butch

9:15 am

10:45 am / 12:15 pm

Marvelous Light
Blessed Be Your Name
I Will Follow

Hymn 14: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Hymn 227: Praise Him! Praise Him!
Great is Thy Faithfulness (Adult Choir)


Taking Action on God’s Goals 

for My Life

Proverbs 14:15

– Pastor Butch Tanner

Dhan Kumari Rai
Angie French

Hymn 282: Living for Jesus

Colossians 3:17

The 2018 Easter Party will be held at
YMCA Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village on
Monday, April 2. Designed for families
with kids. Registration will be on
Sundays, Feb 25, Mar 4 & 11. Cost is $50
per person. We will have a worship time,
gospel presentation, family activities and
an egg hunt. Mark your calendar!

teen parent meeting
If you are a parent of a teenager, please
join Pastor Butch for an informational
meeting regarding summertime plans.
Sunday, Mar 11 @ 1:30 pm – KIBC
Basement B3-4

Blessed Be Your Name
附设普通话即时传译 Simultaneous Interpretation
in Mandarin by Ben Leung

Allan Liu (10:45 am)
Connie Lung (12:15 pm)
Boaz Nit
Colossians 3:17
Hymn 215: Majesty

vacation bible school
volunteers wanted
A special Vacation Bible School preview
meeting will be held on Mar 4. You may
choose to attend either the 12:15 pm or
2:30 pm meeting. This is designed for
anyone who would like to help as a
volunteer in VBS. Come find out about
the theme for VBS 2018! We have a
place for you to serve!

An Everyday Evangelism training course
will be taught by Brent Merrifield at KIBC
on Sunday afternoons, 2:30 - 4 pm,
beginning Feb 25 (lasting about 8 weeks).
For details or to sign up, contact Brent

Hymn: God Is Here
Hymn: Another Year is Dawning
Hymn 71: On Eagle’s Wings

Taking Action on God’s Goals 

for My Life

Proverbs 14:15

– Pastor Butch Tanner


family easter party

Pastor Butch Tanner

evangelism training

設有廣東話即時傳譯 (只在上午10時45分的祟拜內
設有) Simultaneous Interpretation in Cantonese
(10:45 am service only) by Terry Cheung

mark your

VBS |Jul 23-27

Children (Ages 5 - 12)

men’s bible study
A new monthly study of the Old
Testament book Esther begins following
Chinese New Year.
Wednesday, Feb 28 @ 7:30 pm
Contact Wilfred Leung 9056-4160 for
additional information.

find us on
Scan this QR code to take you directly to
the KIBC facebook page and follow us!

kibc kids

i’m a christian now!
The Children's Sunday School will be launching a
new class in Spring 2018 entitled “I am a Christian
Now!” This is an eight week class designed to
teach kids what it means to be a Christian and
follow Jesus. For this quarter, the class will be
targeted for older kids born from 2005-2009.
Sign up is required and space is limited. For more
information, please email patrick@hkkibc.org  

other ways to give 

tithes & offerings
Visit www.hkkibc.org and click on the “Giving”
Set up a “Standing Instruction” to regularly transfer
money from your bank account to KIBC bank
account. Inform the church office.
THROUGH FOHKC (for US tax-exemption)
Friends of Hong Kong Charities, Inc. can receive
funds or checks in HK dollars and or US dollars on
behalf of KIBC.

ministry grid

new! online
Ministry grid is a self-paced
online training center. The
content offers training for
teachers and leaders in all areas
of the church. Whether you are
teaching a Bible study, chairing
a committee, or participating in
the music program, there is
something here for you to learn.
Those in leadership here at
KIBC, or any desiring to learn
how to lead in an area, can gain
access to the ministry grid
training center by requesting a
code from the church office.
The church will cover the cost of
your training. Ministry Grid will
be launched after March 4.
Email KIBC at
training@hkkibc.org and begin
learning more today!

welcome to
welcome to all!
We are delighted that each of you has
chosen to join us for worship today. If
you are a guest, we hope you will feel
especially welcome. Please fill out our
WELCOME CARD and drop it in the
offering bag.


Feb 25 Church Conference | 11:50 am @KIBC basement
Everyday Evangelism training course | 2:30 pm @KIBC basement
Mar 4 Ministry Grid Launch Day // Vacation Bible School Preview
Mar 11 Teen parents meeting | 1:30 pm @KIBC Basement B3-4
Apr 2 Easter party | YMCA Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village


18 FEB 2018

upcoming events

MINISTERIAL STAFF Senior Pastor DR. BUTCH TANNER btanner@hkkibc.org 

• Minister of Music ANGIE FRENCH angie@hkkibc.org • Minister of Families and Children
PATRICK HO patrick@hkkibc.org OFFICE STAFF GLADYS WONG office@hkkibc.org •
LILIAN LEE llee@hkkibc.org • MAGGIE CHANG maggiec@hkkibc.org KINDERGARTEN
Principal LOLA LOUIE lola.louie@kbck.org
300 Junction Road, Kowloon Tong T 2337 2555 E office@hkkibc.org W hkkibc.org


YouTube KIBC Kowloon International Baptist Church


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