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train lost its break and was heading straight into a pit; the
government were alerted and she sent rescuer helicopters to
pick the passengers in that train heading to doom. The train
was an executive one and hosted parties in each coach. The music
was loud, the DJ was so good and there were lots to eat and drink.
Suddenly helicopters appeared over their roof telling them the danger
on their way should they continue in that train, because they could see
no danger ahead, many refused as they don't want to give up on the
music and drinking and eating etc. those who trusted the rescue team
on the helicopter were saved and those who didn't because of the
music all died when the train finally crashed.
Jesus talked about a place where their worm dies not and the fire is
not quenched and we know that to be hell.
*Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
Mark. 9:44*
Hell is simply for those who refused to be rescued because of the
pleasures of sin.
The whole world was heading to hell, God saw the pain and agony in
hell and offered to help, Christ came offer us the way out of hell and
yet many refused because of the fun in partying, alcoholism,
pornography, immoralities and every form of carnal indulgences.
Soon it will be too late for them as they'll crash into hell where the
worm dies not and the fire is not quenched.
Now that you are reading this, you can be saved:
If you want to be saved kindly recite this prayer:
```Lord God, I thank you for the salvation which you've made
available through Christ Jesus because you don't desire that I
perish in Hell. I believe with my heart and today I confess The Lord
Jesus as my Lord and personal savior. Thank you for coming into
my life. I'm now saved, I'm born again and I'm now a child of

Pastor Promise Ikpe




revious Durban who had been living in bitterness
because of the manner if ways she lost her first husband
after remarrying she lost him too. She was bitter so
much about those who she suspects are responsible for the
deaths of her husbands. She is bitter over herself for aborting
her children in the bit to sort her life after the death if her
husbands. Her bitterness made her to always cry every night
and that made her to continually underperform academically.
Until she gave her burden unto God. She wrote 'I feel at ease
the big hot stones in my heart and shoulders has rolled away'

If you've said this prayer you are now a child of God, saved from the
damnation of hell.
Kindly contact me through our correspondence and we'll send you a
follow-up booklet.
Pastor Promise Ikpe

Nations, Cities and Distributor’s Contact:
The Ministers’ Chapel, House 46,
6th avenue National Mbare
Pastor Promise Ikpe +2348088062946
Pastor Kaingo Godknows +263783123896
Evan Kwame Alley Accra +233272313222
Rev. Doc. Sarah Agye, Agyakwaa +233205970123
DHCC Sunyani/Fiapre Ghana
Bro Adindu Ezekiel Ukeje Aba, Abia State - Nigeria

... Bringing the atmosphere of God’s word to you

Monthly Newsletter

March, 2018

Gospel Messages for the Month



TEXT: Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that
hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity,
nor sworn deceitfully. Psalms 24:3-4

any people don't understand what
marriage means, their idea of being
married was borrowed from a
flawed culture and society and not from God's
word. Marriage was instituted by God, and
He revealed the terms of marriage. We shall be
exposing some of the terms of marriage so that
we get prepared when praying for marriage.


The man is to name the woman wife (Gen
2:23): marriage first happened after Adam
called Eve wife. Before then God has brought
several animals to him and none did he called
wife until he met Eve. It's the man who
chooses and proposes to the woman.
Man has to leave his mother and father to
be joined to his wife like Christ is joined
to the church (Gen 2:24, Eph. 5:23).
When the man decides to marry,
he must be ready to leave
everyone and concentrate
on his wife. He is to be
joined to the wife just
like Christ is to the
One man one wife (Gen
2:24): marriage should
be for just one man and
one woman, not
between a man and

many women or a woman and many men.
Marital vows binds you forever (Mark 10:9,
Matt. 19:9); zero your mind on divorce if you
choose to be married, marriage has no exit
doors. When you remarry while your
husband or wife is alive, you are committing
Work daily on your marriage to keep it
improving (Proverbs 15:22): get a counselor,
get books on marriage and don't wait till
things get out of hands before you start
reaching out for help.
God supplies what is lacking in marriages
(John 2:1-11): when you invite God to your
marital life, God will keep
supplying that which is
lacking. Always ask God to
renew the love and
commitment in your
marriage, don't trust in
yourself to be able make the
marriage work out.
It's Important you
understand marriage before
clamoring for it. Those who
aren't ready to stay true to
their marital vows shouldn't
seek to be married.


Relationship Matters



Wisdom for Esthers

Isa 25:35 So David received of
her hand that which she had
brought him: and he said unto
her, Go up in peace to thy
house; see, I have hearkened
to thy voice, and have
accepted thy person.



elationship is all about being there for each
other: when someone isn't there to give you
courage, helping you, advising you, listening
to you and most importantly to give you what you
need and not what you deserve, then that person isn't
meant for you
A relationship where you have to be the one spending,
and giving and striving and pushing for it to work
isn't mutual and it will drain life out of you.
Many people because of their emotional attachment to
certain people who don't feel likewise towards them
are draining themselves of joy and happiness.
One of the greatest deliverance is to be free from those
who don't care and whom you've imprisoned yourself
because of them.
There is nothing wrong in being single, nothing
wrong if you are getting aged and yet no one is
showing up. Keep calm, love God's visions for your
life and pursue it. Just as God brought Eve to Adam
after all that Adam met couldn't inspire him, He'll do
so for you.
Your primary purpose shouldn't be to pursue a
relationship, that's why many insist on making
something they know doesn't exist to exist.
If there is nothing and you really want something to
exist, you'll be used and left drained.
When you don't try to see things where nothing is,
pursue God's vision and when its time, God will make
the right relationship happen without much of your

My dear woman it is not all
the time that your husband
may be right in his dealings with friends, family,
workers, kids, and you etc. AS a wise wife you
should be able to resolve issues that can bring
problems to your husband. At times you can do it
when he is not aware and then you inform him later.
Abigail did this and saved her husband from the
hands of David.

Virtues for Joseph



hen she monitors all of your calls, your movements,
wants you to be at home at certain times, tries to
choose for you those to communicate with and those
not to talk to etc. it can be very boring and in most men, it drains
their love for their wife dry. What can a Christian husband do in
this situation?
Pray specifically over that issue in her; It's the Holy spirit who
transforms people, none of our effort would work unless the
spirit of God is working. Buying books, making her listen to
certain preachers and advising her to stop it wouldn't work
unless you prayed.
Some overly jealous women behave like this, you must have
noticed it in her before you agreed to marry her therefore make
necessary adjustments to please her. Concentrate your mind in
that aspect of her life where she pleases so well and let it dwell
on your mind when you think of her. When you dwell on the area
of her life where she bores you, your affection for her would
continue to drain and soon the temptation to break your vow will
start growing overwhelmingly.

You can give a gift to your husband's mother on his
behalf when he is not doing it.

Report to your counselor: every marriage needs a counselor;
those who want to go into marriage without a counselor would
soon crash. When there are issues in your marriage, just like you
cant diagnose and cure yourself; it's a duty for doctors, likewise
you can't handle the issues with your wife, seek your counselor
who may be your pastor or a wise elder or a
professional marriage counselor. Don't take
matters into your hands when she bores you
out, seek counsel when you've exhausted all
you know how to do.

You can visit his sisters in his name when he is
ignoring them.

Having a wife who wants to mother you
is boring but with the above set, you'll
be able to manage it.

You can see that friend of your husband who is
embittered about your husband because of certain
issues that he did not do right with him and ask for
forgiveness on behalf of your husband.
You can sit him down and make him aware of the
things that he is not doing right. Praise him in front
of the kids when the kids are angry with daddy.
He is a human being so he cannot be right all the time
. Be an Abigail in your home and you will save your
husband from families anger, workers anger, etc.
God bless you.
Words of knowledge (dealing with relationships
and marriage through the wisdom of God.)
Dr. Sarah Agye


The Lord gave the word: great was the company of
those that published it. Ps 68:11
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Part 2


John 1:2 KJV Beloved, I wish above all things that
thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy
soul prospereth.

Divine healing is temporary. It can be lost especially, if
one doesn't know how to keep his healing. Healing is
alright but you must learn how to keep your healing.
Many Christians desire divine healing but few have
never aimed to walk in divine health. We all know that
sickness is not God's will.
There is no sickness in heaven. There shouldn't be any
sickness and disease in you. God wants you to walk in
divine health right here on this earth. Sure thing,
everyone wants to be in health. Divine health is by
God's Word. Proverbs 4:20-22 says,"My son, attend to
my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them
not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of
thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them,
and health to all their flesh".The Word of God is health to
your body. That means it's possible to walk in divine
Divine Health is God's best and highest.
The church of God should learn to walk in divine health
not to repeatedly look for healing. Some Christians get
healed and later come back sick again. No! God healed
you so that you could walk in divine health. As I said in
my last month's issue, that when you are walking in
divine health you won't get sick. Imagine waking up
everyday ,without any headache or stomach pains. You
wake up full of energy and life. You won't need any
medication to keep your body strong. You will be strong
by the life of God in you; that's divine health. What a life
to enjoy!
We must show the world what it's like to be in health.
We can be more effective ministers of the Gospel when
we are healthy. The world will be inspired to serve God
when we are healthy. Your health is an important factor
in your life.
Pastor Andy
Author of Manna Daily Devotional

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