Passing Through 13 x 13 (PDF)

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The words found throughout this book
come from the same individuals also
depicted here.


The odds of survival are like almost the same as they are in a jungle.
There is no aloneness, you know what I mean? 

Once you become part of that down there, there’s no aloneness.
So what if you just wanted to turn it off and go somewhere
and just naked run down the street,
and nobody would give a fuck because everybody is doing
the same thing.
Hiding, you know what I’m saying?
Some people hide down there for life.
They never go back to life.


People like to see you for just who you are
not who you're trying to be.
We all wear masks.
Nobody will never know about a real person.
Some stuff you're gonna take to your grave.
And when you want to tell it,
you don't get a chance to tell it.

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