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Title: Curriculum Vitae
Author: Jessica

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Curriculum Vitae

Name: Dong-Tsamn Lin
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: Oct.10, 1949
Place of Birth: Tainan, Taiwan
(O) 7, Chung-Shan S. Rd., Taipei, 100, Taiwan
(H) 5F, 27, Lane 338, Te-Hsing E. Rd., Taipei, 111, Taiwan
Telephone: (O) (02) 23123456 ext.65399
(H) (02) 28382458
(O) (02) 23224263
(H) (02) 28329254
Education: M.D. National Taiwan University, College of Medicine,
Sept, 1967 - June, 1974
Training: Resident, Department of Pediatrics, National Taiwan University Hospital.
May, 1976 - July, 1979
Chief Resident, Department of Pediatrics, National Taiwan University Hospital.
Aug, 1979 - July, 1980
Fellow, Immuno-hematology, American Red Cross and William-Beaumont Hospital,
Detroit, Michigan. Dec, 1986 - Dec, 1987
Academic Appointment:
Visiting Staff, Department of Laboratory Medicine, National Taiwan University
Hospital. Aug, 1980 - Now
Lecturer, Department of Laboratory Medicine, College of Medicine, National Taiwan
University. Aug.1985-1999.
Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, National Cheng-Kung University,
Associate Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pediatrics, College of
Medicine, National Taiwan University, Aug.1999-Now
Board Certification:
Taiwan Society of Pediatrics, 1989, re-certified 1995
Taiwan Society of Hematology, 1987
Taiwan Society of Cardiology , 1989
Taiwan Society of Clinical Pathology,1994 , re-certified 2007
Formosan Association of Blood Purification, 1998
Taiwan Society of Blood and Bone Marrow transplantation, 2007
Professional Experience:
Secretary General, Society of Blood Transfusion, R.O.C. Nov, 1990 - Nov, 1993
Counselor, Society of Blood Transfusion, R.O.C. Nov, 1993 – 2008
President,Taiwan society of Blood Transfusion, Nov.2008-now
Secretary General, Taiwan Society of Hematology, Mar. 1996-1999

Counselor, Formosan Blood Purification Society, Aug.1998-now
Counselor, Taiwan Society of Hematology, Mar. 1999-2008
Counselor, Taiwan Society of Clinical Pathology, Nov. 2000-now
President, Formosan Blood Purification Society, Mor.2001-2007
Counselor, Taiwan Society of Free radicals, 2002-Now
Counselor, Taiwan Society of Histocompatibility and immunogenetics, 2003-Now
Counselor, Taiwan Society of Pediatrics, 2004-2008
E.C.F.M.G. passed in 1974.

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