2018 May GCTC Newsletter (PDF)

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May, 2018
Volume 43 Number 5
Frank Nash
Sue Chonoles
Jan Smirnow
Laurie Haire

The Tinfoil Times
Gold Coast Treasure Club, Inc.
Our code of ethics: Have permission and do no harm

Our next club meeting will be
7:00 PM, May 10, 2018
South Florida Science Center
Garden Club Building
4800 Dreher Trail North
West Palm Beach, FL 33405

May News
May Birthdays
Tim Burke (5/7)
David Chonoles (5/26)
Juan Echemendia (5/26)
John Lobota (5/14)
Maryanne Lubinski (5/31)
Ed Morin (5/17)
Jim Perkins (5/19)
Glenford Smith (5/10
April Sovich (5/5)
Nancy Stephens (5/27)

Frank Nash, Cheryl Petenbrink
Jack Kazee
Prize Coordinator
Jan Smirnow
John Lobota
Website Administrator
John Lobota
Newsletter Editor
Jack Kazee
Contact Us:
Frank Nash
9729 Whippoorwill Trail
Jupiter, FL 33478
Dues are $35 per year. New members
pay an initiation fee of $5, plus:
$35 if joining between Jan 1st through
the end of June, or $17.50 if joining
between July 1 and December 31. $5
extra for FMDAC membership.

Join us before the meeting at
5:15 for dinner.

The cool days of winter are behind us. Soon, we
will be sweltering in the heat, searching for
that elusive gold in the parks and on the
beaches of South Florida.
This month President Frank Nash will be
demonstrating various equipment to use while
detecting this summer.
Sue will be sharing her Tips of the Month, and
there will be an important announcement about
an upcoming club hunt.
We’ll see you there!

Flanigan’s back room
330 Southern Blvd
West Palm Beach
Please RSVP by noon
May 9
Laurie Haire
(954) 593-4800
Dutch treat

The Tinfoil Times

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April, 2018 Minutes
There were 24 in attendance, including 3 guests. George Kellerman, and Andy and Rachel Riblett visited with us.
The meeting was called to order by President Frank Nash, who led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Frank directed the members who were
participating in the Field Test event to quickly get their detectors and meet him out front while we had enough light for the event. Frank had
laid out 14 numbered folders with an item inside each one. Members scanned each folder with their detector, and wrote down what they
thought it was. The participation was good.
Refreshments were served – thanks to Frank and Tripp.
Participation in the Best Finds was a little light; two categories had no entries.
Frank resumed the meeting with the results of the field test. He called out the correct answers, and the members graded their answers.
Jack Kazee won first prize, Tripp Cioci and Jim Smith tied for second, and Irving Smith was third.
Vice President Sue Chonoles announced that the virgin beach hunt has been postponed; new date and details will be announced later. Sue
also shared an article about a new law signed by Governor Ric Scott. This new law allows owners of beach front property to control who is
allowed on the dry sand area of the beach behind their properties. She had copies of the article, which she made available to the members.
Sue is checking on shirts for the club. She has requested some samples and will keep us updated when she receives them.
Dave and Sue made pins for the club. They have the club logo, and you can buy them for $10 each.
Frank did a quick demo of the Equinix and Gold Bug metal detectors and discussed how they can be used to find certain targets.
Spoke about tom
Good Samaritan Certificates were presented to Frank Nash, Laurie Haire, and Ed Morin.
Treasurer Laurie Haire reported that our rent has stayed the same at $600 for the year. Also, there is $2368.30 in treasury.
Cards were made available for the members to send well wishes to Linda Bennett and Jan Smirnow. We wish them both a speedy
Binders for all members were given out by Laurie. The binders contain a current copy of the club directory, Gold Coast Treasure Club ID
cards, and club business cards that can be passed out to interested parties.
During discussions, James L Perkins III suggested donating used equipment to raffle off for the club.
Sue – how to advertise without cost. Look in local publications. They usually have places to list club functions. Give publication names to
sue. She will contact them. Laurie added that our club is listed in Lost Treasure, American Digger magazines.
The 50/50 was won by George Kellermann, one of our visitors.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00.
Submitted by member Melody Kazee

James L. Perkins III
The Silver Raffle Winner.
And thanks to all who participated in the raffle.
Activities like this help raise funds to keep our club going.

The Tinfoil Times

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April Field Trial Hunt

The Tinfoil Times

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Best Finds March 2018

Most Unusual
Lipstick Case
James L. Perkins III

Best Coin
Southern Sugar Store Token
James L. Perkins III

Best Silver
Silver Ring With Stones
Paul Hamlin

Best Costume
Tahari Watch
Ed Morin

April Winners

Ed Morin
Paul Hamlin
James L Perkins III

Gold Coast Treasure Club pins are
now available. They are 3 inches
across. A nice addition to any t-shirt,
cap, or detector bag.
They are $10 each, and are available
at the meetings. See Sue Chonoles.

The Tinfoil Times

Page 5

Good Samaritan Awards
Frank Nash and Laurie Haire teamed up to return a 24 carat gold Tiffany wedding
ring, a Rolex diamond watch, and an engagement ring. These items all had great
sentimental value, and their owners were grateful to get their lost items back.
Ed Morin found and returned a lost cell phone. How relieved that person must have
been to be reunited with their connection to the world!
The Good Samaritan Award is given to any member who helps find lost items and
returns them to the rightful owner.
At the end of each year one member will be selected as the Ambassador of Good
Will for the club.

Gold Coast Treasure Club Website
The Gold Coast Treasure Club website is where to go for the latest club information. You will find a lot of interesting and helpful
information there. The website is at http://www.apex-ephemera.com/gctc/.
Some of the information you will find on our website:

Our current newsletter, as well as an archive all of our previous newsletters
Calendar of Club Events.
Links to great online resources, like forums, vendors, blogs, and maps geared for all levels of Metal Detectors.
Other resources, like local tides, weather, precious metals pricing, county parks and recreation, and metal detector manufacturers.

There is lots more there, and the website is being updated frequently, so be sure to check in often!

Virgin Beach Hunt Coming Soon!
Dave and Sue Chonoles have been working on getting us onto
a beach that has probably never been detected. This could be
a great hunt for the club. Details will be announced at the May

New Beach Access Law
The media has been covering a new law that takes
effect July 1 of this year, making it sound like the public
is losing access to the beaches in Florida. The new law
makes it easier for owners of beachfront property to
enforce their ownership of the beach down to the
mean high-tide line.
There is a lot of information available about this law on
the Internet. The bottom line is the owner of beach
property has control of their property down to the
mean high-tide line. They have the right to ask you to
leave that area. As Metal Detectorists, we must respectfully leave if asked to do so. We still have access
to the beach area from the high-tide line down toward
the water. Hopefully, the property owners won’t suddenly feel empowered, and start blocking off the
beach, just because they can. Still, they can only go as
far as the high-tide line. The rest of the beach belongs
to all of us, which is guaranteed by the Florida Constitution.
As detectorists, it is our responsibility to know the
local laws and rules where we detect. This is a great
example of this.

Business card ads are $25 per year. Classifieds are free to members, preferably metal detecting related, one ad per month. More details available at the meeting.

From the Editor
I have been detecting for a little over a year. It is so nice to be a part of a hobby that is so much fun. It can be frustrating one day, and
rewarding the next, but I have always enjoyed going out to various beaches and parks, just to see what I can find. When anyone asks
what it’s like, I tell them it’s a lot like fishing. You can try to target what you’re looking for, but you really never know what you’re going
to find. I am absolutely hooked.
Our club’s members have a wide range of experience, from novices like me, to seasoned veterans who have been detecting for many
years. And all are willing to share what they know. If someone is having trouble setting up their detector, they can bring it to a club
meeting, and someone (usually more than one) will spend as much time as needed to help them out.
Discussions at the meetings often are about different places people have detected, recent finds, and the latest detectors just out on the
market. I don’t always have time to talk, since I’m also the photographer, but I always enjoy the time I get to talk to other members.
Above all, I enjoy being part of a hobby that can help people. I haven’t had the opportunity to find someone’s lost ring, but I hope to
someday. It has to be a great feeling to return an item to someone who has all but given up on finding something that is precious to
them. What a way to promote our hobby!
I have enjoyed being the editor of our newsletter. I hope you find the Tinfoil Times useful and informative. If you have any suggestions to
make it better, please let me know.
Submitted by Jack Kazee, Editor

Metal Detector’s Creed
Whether we like to admit it, when we are out with our detectors, we represent all detectorists. How we conduct ourselves reflects on
all of us. The Metal Detector’s Creed was put together to remind us of how important our image is to the non-detecting world. It has
several versions, but the overall sentiment is the same. This one comes from the Federation of Metal Detector & Archeological Clubs.
I will always check federal, state, county, and local laws before searching. It is MY responsibility to know the law.
I will respect private property, and will not enter private property without the owner’s permission.
I will refill all holes, and leave no damage.
I will remove and dispose of any trash that I find.
I will appreciate and protect our inheritance of natural resources, wildlife, and private property.
I will, as an ambassador for the hobby, use thoughtfulness, consideration, and courtesy at all times.
I will work to bring unity to our hobby by working with any organization of any geographic area that may have problems that will
limit their ability to peacefully pursue the hobby.
I will leave gases as found.
I will build fires in designated or safe places only.
I will report to the proper authorities any individuals who enter and/or remove artifacts from federal parks or state preserves.


The Tinfoil Times

Upcoming events:
Club Meeting May 10, 2018



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