APPLICAT Revealing the Gold2018 (PDF)

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Title: Application form
Author: Howard Sands

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C:mydocuments\bftf\forms\APPLICAT Revealing the the Gold 2018.doc

Revealing the Gold 2018
Beautiful Feet Task Force
Malawi, Zambia, South Africa Nov 2018
Team leader Rev Dr Howard Sands

Confidential Application Form
return to:- BFTF

Yes, I am interested in joining the team, please prayerfully consider my application and send further details.
Mr/Mrs/Miss/Rev/Ps/Dr Full name ..........................................................................................................................

City ......................................................... Code .................

Email: ..........................................................................................................................................................................
Phone Day

(..........) ...........................................

Do you have a current passport

A.H. (.........) ....................................... D.O.B ...../...../.....


If yes: Nationality ................................. Number ..............................................

Expiry Date ...../...../.....

You must have a passport with an expiry date after 30 May 2019
Frequent Flyer program Airline ………………………………… membership number …………………………
Frequent Flyer program Airline ………………………………… membership number …………………………
Frequent Flyer program Airline ………………………………… membership number …………………………

Do you have any medical conditions to which the leadership of this trip should be aware? ie. Regular medication,
diabetes, dependency etc. If a medical emergency arises we may not know the best course of action to help you if
you do not tell us. ........................................................................................................................................................

When did you become a Christian ? ........................................................................................................................
Have you been baptised in water Y/N

Baptised in the Holy Spirit Y/N

Name of Church currently attending ........................................................................................................................


Senior minister ................................................................

How long have you been attending this particular church ?


What position if any do you hold within the church ? ................................................................................................
Describe your skills, talents, experience that you think may be useful ......................................................................

What areas of public ministry are you experienced in and at what level ?


Have you been on any overseas missions trips ? Y/N
If yes: When, where, with whom, what activities were you personally involved in


organised by



Why do you want to come on this trip ? ..................................................................................................................
When you have completed this form please have your senior minister sign it as approving your suitability for
participation. If you are the Senior minister intending to participate please have a member of your board sign.

........................................................ date
signed applicant



.................................................................... date
/ /
senior minister / board member to sign for senior minister participant.
Print name.

Ministers, please feel free to write us directly with any information that will help us provide the most valuable input into
this participant.

DISCLAIMER:Every participant accepts full personal liability for whatever happens to them and neither BFTF nor its office holders
accept any liability whatsoever.
With this application please enclose:-

A copy of a recent portrait photograph of yourself for publicity purposes. (email preferred)

A copy of your passport identifaction pages

$500 payable to Beautiful Feet Task Force as ministry contribution.
(Additional payments required to airlines and Africa land costs as we go)

❑I made a Paypal payment with debit or credit card here.
❑I made a Direct bank deposit: Beautiful Feet Task Force, Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB 062 614 Account 94 0442

If your application is not accepted your deposit will be refunded.
Full details of trip will be forwarded to you on recipt of completed application.
Approx duration 3 weeks. Dates commencing approx 6 Nov 2018.
Approx total cost estimate as at July 2018, $4-5,000 AUD

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