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Title: BLITZ

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IN consider5tion of my child being given 5ccess to Blitz f5cilities, I 5gree th5t:  
!. All forms of exercises 5re completed by 5 fully qu5lified member of st5ff before my child t5kes p5rt.
#. I confirm th5t I 5m 5w5re of 5nd underst5nd the potenti5l risks 5nd d5nger with physic5l 5ctivity including
the use of equipment, 5nd I h5ve 5ssured th5t my child is 5lso 5w5re of the potenti5l risks. I confirm th5t my
child is volunt5rily p5rticip5ting in these 5ctivities with knowledge of the risks.
$. I know of no re5son why my child should not p5rticip5te in 5ny form of 5ctivity whilst using Blitz f5cilities. My
child is free from 5ny condition th5t m5y 5ffect his/her p5rticip5tion in physic5l 5ctivity 5t the centre. I will
inform 5 member of st5ff if 5ny such conditions 5rise, 5nd ensure th5t my child does not continue with 5ny
physic5l 5ctivity 5t the centre until G.P 5pprov5l is obt5ined.
%. I 5gree to 5bide by verb5l or written notices reg5rding s5fety whilst 5t the centre 5nd ensure th5t my child
does likewise. Blitz Fitness is not responsible for my child during 5nd 5fter the fitness session. My child is free
to le5ve 5t 5nytime during the fitness session 5nd knows the 5rr5ngements prior to le5ving.
&. I give my consent to my childʼs photo being t5ken 5nd or recorded during the fitness session 5nd this
m5teri5l m5y be posted onto the Blitz Webp5ge or 5ny soci5l medi5 pl5tform.
'. Without prejudice to the 5bove, the Club 5ccepts no li5bility for loss of wh5tsoever n5ture 5nd howsoever
5rising c5used by me or my child whilst 5t the f5cility 5t Blitz.
(. h5ve re5d 5nd 5gree to ensure th5t both child 5nd myself 5dhere to these membership conditions.


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