Pat's Missions Musings(1) (PDF)

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Author: Patricia Miller

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Pat's Missions Musings
TANZANIA REPORT June 16-July 2, 2019

Crusade crowds grew each night as the number of
Traveling with Evangelist Dale Everett, Evangelist Marktestimonies of healing increased. It was a tremendous
privilege to partner with powerful anointed men of God
Turner and Tanzanian Pastor Timoth Mwita (our
translator), we arrived in Kahama, TZ on the coast of to touch the lives of thousands with the life-changing
Lake Victoria following 4 flights and a 5 hour drive to gospel of Jesus Christ. Your prayers were essential
to the success of the mission. Nothing good ever
the location of our first crusade and leaders'
happens without prayer!

A brief stop at the lake to view local fishermen at work

Pastors and evangelists gathered in Kahama and
were eager to hear the Word and receive impartation.

Crusade crowds pack the field

Healing and miracles often occur spontaneously as
the Word is preached. One lady testified of receiving
healing when she simply stepped onto the field where
we were meeting. While Dale was preaching I walked
through the crowd to find those who were looking for
healing, stopped to encourage them and helped them
receive. The lady in the next photo began to weep
when I approached her and described the numerous
miscarriages she had suffered. As I looked into her
face I could sense her hopelessness and the
compassion of Jesus reaching out to her. The strong
sense of His Presence as I prayed confirmed that she
will conceive and carry a child to term. After she gave
her testimony she danced with joy on the platform!
Dale laying hands of the pastors and evangelists

There was a strong sense of the presence of God in
the room as each one cried out to God.

Giving glory to God that she will now bear a child

Children everywhere are naturally open to the Spirit
of God. Every time I got out of the car children flocked
On the closing day I had the privilege of sharing with to me. And there were hundreds of them at the
the women. Everyone left challenged, empowered and crusades filling the front of the crowds pressing to get
closer to the platform.
filled to do the work of the ministry.

Ministering to the women, pastors, evangelists

Dale took this shot on the first night in Kahama where I On our last Saturday in Dar es Salaam it was my joy to
was surrounded by a sea of kids.
participate in the weekly children's program and
minister the Word to the kids. They were well behaved,
This is Abrianna, the youngest daughter of our
eager to listen and participate and waited patiently for
translator, Timo. She was always ready for a hug.
their turn in the bounce house and on the play
On our last Saturday in Dar es Salaam it was my joy to
participate in the weekly children's program and
minister the Word to the kids. They were well behaved,
eager to listen and participate and waited patiently for
their turn in the bounce house and on the play

Highlights of the trip were the 2 crusade nights and 2
Sunday morning services where opportunity was given
for everyone to be baptized in the Holy Spirit after they
had received Jesus as Savior. Each time there was a
tangible Presence of the Baptizer as the entire crowd
began speaking in tongues, many for the first time. The
field on which we were standing felt as if it was on fire
as we experienced the Holy Spirit being poured out as
on the Day of Pentecost.

The Outpouring of the Spirit

Our team worked seamlessly as each one spoke as
the Spirit led.

Sharing my testimony of healing

Pat's Missions Musings
These two both received immediate healing from Jesus

Mark and Timoth encouraging the crowd to believe God

with just a word of encouragement and a hug.

The simple faith of a child was expressed by this 6
year old who told me that he had trouble breathing.
When I questioned him I discovered that he had this
asthma-like condition since he was born and he
believed that Jesus was going to heal him when we
prayed. As soon as I said “Amen” he began to take
deep breaths which he had been unable to do without
coughing and wheezing. He was immediately healed
and began to run, which he could not do before.
Dale and Timoth preaching the life-transforming gospel

Another miracle healing took place when my
attention was drawn to this lady as one who was ready
to receive. When I approached her she indicated it was
her knees and hips that were painful as a result of
crippling arthritis. When I placed my hands on her
swollen knees I recognized that God was touching her
as the swelling in her knees reduced instantly. When I
told her she could now stand and walk without pain she
immediately stood up and began to walk with me to the
platform to tell everyone what God had done for her. As
we walked together all of the pain left! Wonderful

6 year old healed of congenital asthma
Healed of arthritic hips and knees

Since there were so many testimonies of healing that
night he did not get a chance to share, but came to find
me the next night to be sure he could share his good
news with the crusade crowd.

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